
[Bulk Alias] Boys/Girls

Posted under Tags

BrokenEagle98 said:

I recently discovered the above tags populated, and while they could easily be manually moved, the likelihood of them being accidentally repopulated is pretty high.

Yeah, those sometimes get tagged. I have saved searches for boys and girls and fixed matching posts whenever they appeared, but Danbooru stopped updating my “rare” saved searches a while ago. :-/

BrokenEagle98 said:

It seems like the girl tag also exists, but I wasn't sure about whether to alias that to 1girl or not...?

I've cleared the tag now, but given that there were only 3 uses, of which only 1 was instead of 1girl (and another appears to be a mistake someone made when trying to get rid of the 1girl tag which had been wrongly added to the image) I don't think it is really worth it.

Both current uses of the girls tag, incidentally, are from someone typing "6 girls" instead of "6+girls"