
Wiki Requests

Posted under General

Provence said:

That passage was added by you.
Some times afterwards, @EB added some translated tags back.

I've had that passage ignored many times and the translated tags added again. I just remove them until I get a reason as to why we should keep them.

I think at the time I added them, I didn't even see that passage there. The tag for FGO wasn't showing up (on an upload that was clearly related to it) when I fetched source, and I saw there were no tags in the wiki so I added them. I don't see why we shouldn't have them there, though. There are a lot of translated tags that are up to the uploader's discretion on whether they're appropriate to tag. We could have a note to that regard in the wiki instead, and the current one is confusing in not really explaining the reason why very specifically (Mikaeri stated it here, but it's not mentioned in the current wiki at all). Wouldn't an artist be tagging their work as FGO if it relates to their experience with that particular game (regardless of the character's origin in the Fate-verse), though?

Right now, the translated tags were removed again and I agree with EB here: It should be up to the users discretion whether to use that tag or not.
Most fate characters have a qualifier, too. So is there really any case of big mistagging? I actually doubt that.

Illyasviel von Einzbern for example is listed there as a character from Fate/stay night, but a good portion of her pictures only should get the Fate/kaleid liner tag. There's a lot of cases like this, which makes tagging Fate in general confusing. It's also probably why people used the Fate/Grand Order tag more than they should have.

Unbreakable said:

The wiki for naked towel says that the tag should be used on posts where the character has a towel wrapped around their body, but people has been using it on posts like post #2657898 where it feels like nude cover would be more appropriate. Should the wiki be changed or is the tag used wrong?

I think that nude cover is for clothing/objects that are not worn and the naked_* tags are used when the character is actually wearing the relevant clothing.
So I think that this tag is used wrong then.

Since I just cleaned up the garter_straps garter_belt search, I wanted to underline that the garter_straps wiki mentions this part:

Note: if they are connected to garter belt use garter belt tag instead.

Since this happened a lot in the last two years, I think this should serve as a reminder: When a garter strap is visible, then don't tag the garter straps connecting to it.
There re still some images left, but those are cases where multiple characters are wearing only garter straps and another character a garter belt.

evazion said:

Add a few tags to tag group:metatags. Some things I wasn't sure how to categorize or indeed whether they're "meta" enough to include here. Feel free to edit.

Ooh, thanks for your help.

They're looking pretty solid. It'll be helpful to reference later if we ever come up with some sort of way to help separate them from the regular tags.

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