

Posted under General

Hello! I've already made account on Danbooru and Safebooru. Both with the same username and password. I want to know if I upgrade my Danbooru account would there be a problem. Because I read that you're making the payment from Safebooru or something like that and my accounts aren't connected they just have the same username and password.

You can sign up with the same account in Danbooru and Safebooru, so you don't have to make two accounts.

Just use one of them, log in to Safebooru with your Danbooru account and after you make the payment, that account will be upgraded.

Which Safebooru are you talking about? Please note that and are different sites. is Danbooru in safe mode. It has exactly the same content as Danbooru, but with all the questionable and explicit images hidden. You can use your Danbooru account there and upgrading it on or will thus also upgrade it on the respective other site. has nothing to do with Danbooru. Upgrading your account on either site will not influence the other.