What’s our stance on uploading animated gifs of ugoiras, considering that we’ve had native ugoira support for a while now? The ugoira wiki only mentions replacing animated gifs and webm versions of ugoiras that were uploaded before we had native ugoira support.
I’ve seen a few animated gifs that were uploaded even after the original ugoiras had been uploaded, like post #2753069 and post #2756618, and approved, possibly because of missing parenting.
topic #11108 sounds a bit inconclusive, beside Toks supporting flagging animated gifs of already uploaded ugoiras.
Side note: Neither Danbooru’s “Find similar” nor iqdb.org find the ugoira post. Even on the ugoira post itself, clicking “Find similar” does not show the ugoira. post #2756639, for example, is apparently not similar to itself.