post #9000000 GET!

Massive pic files

Posted under General

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What's with the advent of massive picture files? 1.5MB and up, I have even seen one that is 10+MB in size. Sure the detail is great, but these files are entirely to big imho. They should be scaled down to 1MB or less, not everyone has computers with terabytes of storage. lol

Updated by 0xCCBA696

If you're too lazy to save the picture and reduce the filesize on your own, do you really expect uploaders to feel the need to go out of their way to satisfy your personal needs by reducing filesize themselves before uploading?

Image samples were implemented for exactly this purpose. If you're just browsing, then the sample is sufficient. If you want to use the image for other purposes, then you probably want the highest resolution possible.

Another reason to limit size, is not just for my preference. If everyone uploaded huge files, it would rapidly eat up the available storage space on the danbooru server, that is unless the owner has one of those edge servers with hundreds of terabytes of storage space available? Granted i did not phrase the size limit correctly, that should have been a suggestion, not a demand. And to be honest, it was not intended as a demand. Hence the lol at the end of my initial post.

Oh and as to the simple question, that was "why the advent of huge file uploads", not the bit suggesting size limits. If someone had simply said that the large files were for those that wanted a high res file for whatever reason, that would have been sufficient answer for me.

Fine, I will restate my simple query, i just wanted to know why there were so many huge uploads of late. That's it. Feeling the need to defend my self from elitist snobs was not my point at all. In future i will ask simple short questions, and hope that people can be adult enough to give simple answers. Not everyone is a tech wizard here and is on top of the current trend in hard drive economy. Buried in the various snide answers, was the answer i was looking for. So this is the last i am going to post on the subject. Feel free to load up the topic with as much b.s. as you like as i will not bother to read anything further on the matter. Have a nice day.