
[REJECTED] Tag implication: belt_collar -> collar

Posted under Tags

I think that rejecting implication and decision for the alias may have been a bit too hasty.

It's true that there is a large overlap here, but there is also a noticeable difference between collars with visible belt buckle (post #2710310, post #2683197) and generic ones (post #2721847, post #2720765).

Existence of belt_collar tag also helps to find them among all other collar types that are implicated to the collar. So belt_collar can be used as a tag for leather collars with buckle, while collar remains an umbrella tag.

Belt collar is a very poor name for that, since a belt doesn't actually require a buckle and so what you're calling "generic" collars could just as easily fall under the term "belt" if they were wrapped around the waist. If a unique tag is needed, then calling them a "buckle collar" would make more sense than calling them a "belt collar".

One concern with that is that it suggests that just cause you don't see a buckle then means it doesn't use a buckle, when probably the vast majority of them do. If the buckle isn't in the front, then it's probably cause it's in the back. For example it isn't uncommon that the buckle on a bell collar is positioned opposite the bell (external link example).

A better approach imo would be to expand on the the catchall buckle tag. As there is already a belt_buckle tag specifically for belts, it wouldn't be unreasonable to create a "collar_buckle" tag to go with it.

Side note, post #2721847 I wouldn't tag as a collar, and believe it would more appropriately fall under the choker tag.

What you're saying is reasonable and I mostly agree. There are two questions left, though.

If we use collar_buckle as our new tag, wouldn't it still make sense to alias buckle_collar to it? For the sake of convenience and to prevent possible mistagging.

How strictly would we define collar_buckle tag? Should it require buckle to be detailed/clearly identifiable, like in post #2564237? Or something vague, like post #2719076, would also fit?
And what about images like post #2722570 and post #2716756, where we can say that artist intended it be a buckle, but it's not particularly detailed?

I'd have no issues aliasing buckle collar to collar buckle, we have similar aliases already existing to reduce tag confusion/mis-tagging.

My personal opinion on collar_buckle would be that if someone can recognize it as such, then go ahead and tag it (in short I have no issues with all your examples going into the tag). If others wish to restrict it to those that are more detailed, then I have no particular issue with that, but I don't have any strong interest in being involved debating the level of detail necessary for the tag in such a case.