
Score weighting?

Posted under General

葉月 said:
Displaying both would defeat the point of having a weighted score in the first place. Either they're adjusted or not, showing both is pointless.

I thought the whole point of having the adjusted score was for sorting while searching. So you have the two options like I mentioned. And you could actually display both the adjusted and raw in one line.

Score: 66 (44.00)

I agree with the notion that scaling score seems to be too much of a complicated mess, and it would work better if the popular pages are separate for the ratings. It is also much more usable for those that wants to filter things differently (as opposed to a mixed list of posts with different score factors).

I haven't read any of this thread so I don't really know what the issue is all about but,
The problem that I percieve won't be fixed by weighing the scores. The problem can only be fixed by people no longer having retardedly bad taste.

Don't pay attention to scores.

Also, there can be explicit images that are great, just like there can be safe images that are terrible.

Ressurecting this topic to point out a rather obvious, but possibly faulty, solution. Do away with the double-voting via favorites.

I've noticed that with alot of the popular porn images (post #219889 being a good example) the number of favorites the image has is very close to the score, meaning that only a small amount of the score came from people who are actually voting. I think that doing away with double-upvoting would make it so that the score is only influenced by people who are paying attention to it.

Feel free to poke holes in my logic.

Kayako said: Feel free to poke holes in my logic.

I'd think the main hole is that this has no specific connection to rating and applies equally to images of all types.

We've also discussed the double vote from favoriting before and always decided it should be kept, and I agree.

For the record, I'm in favor of having rating-specific 'popular' pages. This is just more of an idea to even things out with the vote system overall. Let's see if I can remember what I was going for here...

From what I gather, the majority of users that only come here for porn don't pay much attention to the rest of the site. They don't really upvote images often, they just add them to their favorites so they can fap later. This is evident in the large number of high-rated pictures that have almost the exact same number of faves as their scores. By removing vote-by-fav, all of those guys that don't actually vote but end up contributing to the score via favoriting will be removed from the equation.

In theory, this will help even out scoring because it'll lower the average score every picture gets to a more even level. Not exactly even, mind you, but you can see what I'm getting at. Let's say the average explicit pic gets 70% of it's upvotes from favorites. Questionable 50%, Safe 10%. (This is based on just what I've seen, of course) Remove that portion of votes and the average scores should fall closer together, lessening the dominance porn has over non-porn images and giving non-porn a better shot at getting the recognition it deserves in terms of quality.

That's just me, though, wanted to throw it out there. Do whatever you think will work.

Why does adding a post to your favorites increase its score at all? I don't see the logic. If you want to be able to express two different levels of admiration for a particular post, you could just have two different upvote links.

What it all boils down to, though, is that "favorites" really just functions like a special pool for each user. We should just implement something like the idea that LaC, among others, has suggested in the past. Implement private pools for each user, the default one of which acts like the current "favorites" system. Then order:fav would be superseded by the built-in ordering system of pools (and could in fact be reordered), saving a bit of complexity in the search parser, perhaps.

EDIT: Sorry, missed jxh2154's post above. Well, okay. Revamping the pools system still isn't a bad idea, but I guess it's unrelated to this thread now.

Hmm... I think I agree with Kayako. I wonder if we can find out what the average score discrepancy between different ratings is if we remove the favorite-votes. If it's close to being equal, that would definitely convince me to support this idea.

0xCCBA696 said:
Why does adding a post to your favorites increase its score at all? I don't see the logic.

Because it lets you upvote harder. If you like a picture enough to fav it, it's a good idea to let you influence its score more than that of a pic you just like.

葉月 said:
Because it lets you upvote harder. If you like a picture enough to fav it, it's a good idea to let you influence its score more than that of a pic you just like.

On the other hand, I tend to favorite pictures so I can easily search them, and rarely vote up a picture unless I really like it and think it deserves a higher rating...

葉月 said:
Because it lets you upvote harder. If you like a picture enough to fav it, it's a good idea to let you influence its score more than that of a pic you just like.

Why not just let folks upvote harder then?
Like, +2 +1 | -1 -2, or so. I understand the reasoning behind the Fav = +1 concept, but if it's true that it's skewing the scores significantly, then it might be more trouble than it's worth.

Also, I've had times where I wanted to favorite something because it was especially ugly, but didn't because it would've given it an undeserved +1. That's not the best reason to get rid of it, but still. (Like you said, this can be remedied with invisible pools.)

スラッシュ said:
Why not just let folks upvote harder then?
Like, +2 +1 | -1 -2, or so.

That reminded me the stars voting method. You know, if you really like something you give it 5 stars and so. If you hate something maybe we can have something like a skull, or a black star, that would be equal to -1. I'm just throwing things to the air, but I think you get the idea.

I really think voting is fine as it is, at -1/+1/+2. If albert can confirm Kayako's suspicions then *maybe* can support dropping the vote for favoriting, but as of right now I'd rather keep it as it is.

Maybe it's because I don't search by popularity very often, but I don't see this as a good idea. You're basically re-defining what "score" means by doing this in order to artificially put safe images on the popular posts list. Score is simple and interpretable in its current form. Yeah, porn is popular and gets a lot of votes. That's true and we know it's true because we can look at the score. I would have no objection to adding a "non-explicit popular" or similar, but you're not "counteracting" the popularity of explicit posts obscuring their votes behind a multiplier.

Hell, might as well weight by tags too. A vote up for an iosys flash only counts for +0.12, while a vote for something "unpopular" is worth +5. That way, everything will have about the same score, basically nullifying any meaning we might have assigned to the number in the first place.

I see the entire scoring system as an egobooster/egokiller. I usually can't help but check the scores on my uploads every time I log in.

If hiding the score or scrapping the system all together isn't an option, I'd still be against score weighting.

I was in favor of this until I checked "rating:safe order:score", and found that about half the things there are actually good, and the other half were rated up for either being on the border of safe and questionable, or for being 4chan memes.

The fact is that popular will never equate to good, no matter what categories you slice it into.

I would kind of like to see extra popular pages for safe and questionable, just because I think it would be interesting, but I'm not sure it would help that much in the search for good art.

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