With the sudden popularity of kobayashi-san chi no maidragon fanart since its anime adaptation, the dragon girl tag has ballooned almost 50% in size. I'm concerned that a lot of this is due to widespread misuse of the tag. The current definition is a female character with a dragon-like appearance, yet we're using it on images with no visible dragon-like traits whatsoever, like post #2678274, post #2679977, and post #2680244. I think we can agree that putting dragon girl on posts like these is a clear violation of "tag what you see, not what you know" and should be strongly discouraged.
The question I'd really like to clear up here is, should we establish some sort of minimum requirement for using this tag? Is it enough for a character to only have one draconic feature, like dragon horns or wings or scales, or should there be some combination required, as with the knight tag? It feels wrong to use dragon girl when all you can see is the horns, like tagging flandre scarlet as vampire just because you see fangs.