Since there seems to be some confusion about WWW, a standard I originally forwarded, I'll clarify:
WWW is a red line. It isn't to determine what should be allowed on Danbooru, it's to determine what should not be allowed. In order to be objectively disallowed a work must have all three Ws. The most contentious of the Ws, 'Western artist', should then only come into play when the other two Ws (western style, western copyright) are already in place. In most cases these distinctions are clear and easy to determine. Someone who is drawing Overwatch comics with english dialog on tumblr is obviously in violation. If someone we well know to be culturally eastern suddenly decides to draw a western property in a western style, that is obviously an edge case but it can be settled with proper care. If you don't believe there is such a thing as culture and style, that it's impossible to tell the difference, then you can't even draw simple distinctions to start with, so you have no business assuming the responsibility of making them.
In making this argument you are saying that, because the proposed system has 1% ambiguity, it is inferior to the current system of 100% ambiguity. This places all power in the hands of the moderators. Users should have concrete rules they can refer to if they get into squabbles with the moderators. That's the difference between a site I'll contribute to and a site I won't.
The other nuance I see being lost is the requirement that it be of a 'Western property.' Original western art is not fanart, and so it isn't disallowed by WWW. The Mona Lisa is permitted under WWW because the Mona Lisa is OC. It lacks the third W. People pointed to original works as if to say they 'violated' the WWW standard. They didn't. In fact original western works by western artists are allowed under WWW. So it's actually quite permissive.
But it is a standard.