
Wiki Requests

Posted under General

Bottom-line Up-front: I created a new wiki Help:Bookmarklet. Ideas on how to improve it and where to link to it from other wikis would be appreciated.


Sacriven brought up to me that there is not a standard way to open an image in a new tab on Firefox like there is in Chrome, making it more difficult to use the Bookmarklet as it won't properly get the Referrer URL.

After a bit of Googling, I found a method that replicates the Chrome method, whereby you select View Image and middle-click that option.

Since that information is a bit obscure, I wanted to add it to a wiki so that it wouldn't get lost.

Anyone in favor of having a howto:yandere help page? It would have its fair share of warnings, but I feel like those are necessary so as to not confuse uploaders that may use that site.

Namely in the case of samples, third-party modified digital art (pixiv/seiga/twitter/nijie/etc) and wasteful PNGs. Things like that. Yandere doesn't employ a standard method of tagging, their artist names sometimes/often differ from ours, and they do not do diligent checking of digitally sourced art as we do.

About third-party modified digital art, it would help to have a disclaimer in the case that if a yandere post does have a pixiv/seiga source, then upload from the pixiv/seiga source instead. Sometimes there are minute edits that differ from the original image ever so slightly yet those changes result in an md5 mismatch from the source regardless.


Having howto:yandere sounds like a good idea, considering that there seems to be a lot to pay attention to.

I can add a paragraph about spotting upscales and wasteful PNGs, basically a more detailed version of what I added to the image sample wiki. Nothing fancy, but I guess it could be news for someone who doesn’t stare at JPEG and resizing artifacts all day long. Alternatively, just copy that bit from the image sample wiki, link to jpeg artifacts and upscaled and I add more details and examples to those.

Mikaeri said:

About third-party modified digital art, it would help to have a disclaimer in the case that if a yandere post does have a pixiv/seiga source, then upload from the pixiv/seiga source instead. Sometimes there are minute edits that differ from the original image ever so slightly yet those changes result in an md5 mismatch from the source regardless.

I'm not too familiar with specifics there, but doesn't strip some metadata? So I would agree with advising uploaders to look and see if the image originates elsewhere first (with the reverse image search methods, particularly SauceNAO if it seems like it could come from pixiv/seiga) and use that source rather than uploading directly from if it does.

fossilnix said:

The id: metatag lets users string together multiple IDs to search for, e.g id:1234,1242,13456. How many IDs can you put in the list?

Not sure why you’re asking that in this thread, but I tried out some combinations and it seems that it’s not limited in code. After about 1300 IDs, I get errors from the webserver about the request URI being too long. 1300 consecutive IDs (like id:1,2,3,4,5,[etc],1300) are all displayed, but that’s a bit pointless because one can just use id:1..1300. For non-consecutive IDs (like id:1,3,5,7,[etc],2399), only the first 440 to 500 matching posts are displayed. “First” depending on order, so with the default order of descending IDs, it’s the 440 to 500 posts with the largest IDs.

Talked a bit with @Mikaeri and @Randeel about the flagging wikis and it seems that there need to be added something which has to do with so-called "flag fluff".
Something like that:

Flagging Guidelines
Do be specific and descriptive in your reason for flagging
Do not mention every little flaw in the image. If a flaw does not hurt the overall quality of an image, leave it out.
Do not flag posts for frivolous reasons. Abusers of the flagging system will be banned. Report abuse in topic #13177.
Do not complain about flag reasons in the comments. Be patient and remain civil. The post will be approved if the reason is unjustified.
See howto:comment for proper commenting behavior

Or something like that.

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