I've noticed something that bothers me a bit. Uploads from other imageboards, not original artist sources.
As of late, yande.re uploads in particular have caught my eye.
Presently, I personally won't upload/approve anything that isn't directly sourced to the original artist. And I don't mean just adding the artist tag. I mean to an original artist upload where the artist them self made their work available to the world. Not a 3rd party imageboard.
Reason being, from a copyright and pure respect perspective I feel to not link directly an the artist's own upload undermines the authenticity and legality of an upload. If the artist them self is given direct link credit so that any viewer on danbooru is able to click the source link and be led to the artist's own posting, proper credit is being given in such a way that it directly benefits the artist by having their works shared and appreciated on danbooru. Not to mention it shows the source was made publicly available by the artist them self in order for the upload to even occur in the first place.
But once you start linking from other 3rd party links, this element of credit and direct advertisement of an artist's works and sites (whether pixiv, twitter, personal homepage, ect) is lost. This quickly becomes very murky water from an ethical standpoint. If we want to be able to defend our sharing of someone else's work sticking to uploading directly from the artist so all due proper credit is given is a very important feature of danbooru that I believe is crucial to the site as a whole.
I looked over upload guidance again to see if this was specifically addressed, but it is not. For that reason I decided to throw this out there as food for thought going forward:
Should there be a rule regarding sourcing to the original artist's post or are 3rd party sites such as yandere.re and chan.sankakucomplex acceptable sources so long as the artist is tagged?
My opinion should be clear, however one opinion means little in a community thus I'm interested in other folks's opinion on the matter.