
Should the approver of a post be able to process a the flag of its own approved post?

Posted under General

Nope. Approvers can only approve a post once. Theoretically if users wanted a post to be deleted for sure (regardless of its quality, assuming it's acceptable), then you just need to band enough users to flag a post until there are more flags than available approvers.

This has never happened though, posts usually go deleted before that. That doom post, if I can find it, was one such example.

post #2430440 / topic #13037

Unless it was "fixed," that isn't the case. One user cannot approve a post twice in a row. That is, only the last approver is stored by the site. If the post is approved by a second user then re-flagged, the first can then approve it again.

Mikaeri said:

Nope. Approvers can only approve a post once.

An approval expires after one month as far as I know.
That means if you flag one post I approved, but it get re-approved later by Janitor B and again flagged, then I can go out and approve this post after this month.
I won't act this way (see this Doom post), but I only want to mention that there is a loophole as far as I know.

Provence said:

An approval expires after one month as far as I know.
That means if you flag one post I approved, but it get re-approved later by Janitor B and again flagged, then I can go out and approve this post after this month.
I won't act this way (see this Doom post), but I only want to mention that there is a loophole as far as I know.

This is confirmed... Approvals are stored for one month, and then pruned at the end of that month.


You cannot undelete a post...

  • That is status locked
  • If your ID is the same as the approver's ID as recorded on the post
    • Which never gets pruned, but can get changed if another user reapproves
  • If your ID has a post approval record for that post
    • Which will get pruned after a month
  • If you are the post uploader

Exceptions to most of the above are Admins (status locks will still block them). However, Admins can unlock the status of a post and then undelete it.


You cannot approve a post...

  • That is status locked
  • If your ID is the same as the approver's ID as recorded on the post
    • Which never gets pruned, but can get changed if another user reapproves
  • If your ID has a post approval record for that post
    • Which will get pruned after a month
  • If you are the post uploader

There are no exceptions to the above.

Mikaeri said:

Is this information located somewhere in the wiki?

Nope (afaik).
Probably should.
And this is a good system, however I still don't think that one should approve twice if one of your former approvals received a flag. It is possible, yes, but I think not wanted.

Mikaeri said:

Is this information located somewhere in the wiki?

No, the above was a paraphrasing of the Danbooru code.

Provence said:

And this is a good system, however I still don't think that one should approve twice if one of your former approvals received a flag. It is possible, yes, but I think not wanted.

This would require storing approval data indefinitely. Not sure there is much of a return investment on doing that, given the limited applicability. The current system works well enough.

Provence said:

In which wiki should this be included?
help:users, the mod queue....?

There should be a Help:Approver wiki created. There's more to being a post moderator than the above, such as explaining the moderation queue, migrating post favorites, the differences between approving posts from the queue versus the posts menu, useful CSS tricks, etc.

kuuderes_shadow said:

Plus it's not exactly hard to come up with hypothetical situations in which the ability for someone to approve the same image multiple times would come in useful.

It was changed to one month btw. because some mods abused this system because constant re-approval.
Like they approved post a, then flagger a flagged it und janitor b re-approved it. Then flagger b came in and the initial approver re-approved it. After that, albert changed this back in October, I think.