Please remember that a saved searches category only lists the 1000 most recent posts. The more search queries you have listed under a certain category, the faster your posts run through the 1000 entry FIFO buffer.
@Flandre5carlet Older posts will be pushed out the 1000 slot viewable window by newly incoming posts. The amount of incoming posts is influenced by the contents of a query and the query count.
query 1girlvs query red_dress: The first query will return more posts on every refresh that the second one.
saved search category with 1000 artists vs saved search category with 10 artists: The first category will probably return more posts on every refresh that the second one.
search:allvs single saved search category (out of many): search:all will return more posts on every refresh than the single saved search category.
Oh I see what you're saying. Well, either way I use saved searches to keep track of new stuff on artists (and other searches for other specific stuff), so if new posts cause older posts to vanish, it doesn't bother me much. Thanks for the warning, though!
Can you also disclose the IDs of the 5 "new" posts and all the search queries within the affected search category? Maybe this is caused by an asynchronous update mechanism.
Given that the main use of subscriptions for me was to greatly reduce the number of "gone through this search combo up to this point"s that I had to keep track of, having stuff appear in the middle of things I've already gone over makes the whole thing worthless to me.
Given that the main use of subscriptions for me was to greatly reduce the number of "gone through this search combo up to this point"s that I had to keep track of, having stuff appear in the middle of things I've already gone over makes the whole thing worthless to me.
@kuuderes_shadow Search query plz! (WUT! You just leapfrogged me by 2 minutes after 1 day of radio silence? Mind reader!)
asferot said:
Are the saved searches even working?
@asferot For me they are working fine, but some users seem to have problems.
If I search "touhou" and press "Save Search" what is supposed to happen? I thought I just need to go to my profile, hit the link under "Saved Searches" and it should show me touhou pictures?
If I search "touhou" and press "Save Search" what is supposed to happen? I thought I just need to go to my profile, hit the link under "Saved Searches" and it should show me touhou pictures?
That's pretty much "saved searches 101". You can manage saved searches here and read the help wiki here.
Myea... the problem is, for me it does not work like that. When I hit the links under "Saved Searches" it does not display a list of pictures that I saved the search for. Aka it does not display the posts that the tag in the saved search is for.
Myea... the problem is, for me it does not work like that. When I hit the links under "Saved Searches" it does not display a list of pictures that I saved the search for. Aka it does not display the posts that the tag in the saved search is for.
Hm ... I guess you didn't assign the saved search to a category. You can browse all uncategorized saved searches (and categorized saved searches) with search:all.
To enable categorized saved search you can head to "My Account -> Settings -> Advanced settings -> Disable categorized saved searches" and set the boolean value to "No".
Hm ... I guess you didn't assign the saved search to a category. You can browse all uncategorized saved searches with search:all.
To enable categorized saved search you can head to "My Account -> Settings -> Advanced settings -> Disable categorized saved searches" and set the boolean value to "No".
... and no posts are being displayed after clicking search:touhou? Try to relog or delete the saved search and create it again. (Sry for the "Have you tried turning it off and on again.jpeg".)
... and no posts are being displayed after clicking search:touhou? Try to relog or delete the saved search and create it again. (Sry for the "Have you tried turning it off and on again.jpeg")
Reloged. I already deleted and remade it a few times before.