
Blacklist character limit?

Posted under General

The 3000 character limit was a thing in Danbooru 1. Back then blacklists were stored in a cookie, which are limited 4096 characters in most browsers. Blacklists were limited to 3000 characters because if they grew too big, your browser would run out of space for other cookies and you wouldn't be able to log in.

(to be ultra pedantic: the database has a limit of 1GB for text fields, while the web server currently has a limit of 35MB on POST requests (this is normally only encountered when uploading). So technically, the maximum when saving any text field should be 35MB.)

evazion said:
So technically, the maximum when saving any text field should be 35MB.

And assuming that 35MB is translated under the hood of Danbooru to 36.700.160 Bytes, this should mean that the character limit is also 36.700.160, or 1.411.544 times the tag suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu including the spaces between the tags.

This does not include the text needed for the POST request itself, so the acutal limit might be about 1000-ish characters less.


To put things into perspective, I recently created a JSON tag dictionary for all Danbooru tags with post counts > 0, and the file was just under 6Mb. If you were to remove all of the extra fluff involved with having a JSON data format, it would probably reduce it to around ~4-5Mb. Therefore, the only way to possible exceed 35Mb would be to have an insane amount of tag combinations.