
So... how do I undo a downvote?

Posted under General

YuriTenshi said:

Accidentally misclicked and downvoted someone's comment when I went to reply to them instead. Is there a way to undo that? I tried to cancel it out, but it didn't like me trying to vote twice...

When you click to try and vote a second time, "Upvote" and "Downvote" links should change to "Unvote". Looks like they don't, though, so it's a bug.

A comment will be immediately hidden after voting down, so unvoting a downvote is not immediately possible.

How I usually cancel a comment downvote is: reload the page, find the comment, then vote up (which will be prompt a "You have already voted for this"), the 'unvote' option should appear then. That will cancel a downvote.

Type-kun said:

When you click to try and vote a second time, "Upvote" and "Downvote" links should change to "Unvote". Looks like they don't, though, so it's a bug.

It works for me...


Disregard the above. I thought this was about posts and not comments.


poppoko said:

The DELETE /comments/$id/votes URL now works fine for me. But still the user interface to it seems not to appear properly...

Yeah, the issue isn't with the endpoints, but with the Javascript. So manually sending an "unvote" request as you outlined above will still work.