post #9000000 GET!

Flag Vandalism

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Randeel said:

I don't think I ever reported this one post #2569525 - Sexualized Minor

I can't confirm whether it's the same person, but someone with a very similar pattern of flagging got warned a while ago and stopped.

By the way I have a question:
If someone is approving such a post because of flag vandalism, isn't there a possibility that if the post gets flagged with a correct and valid reason that this Janitor can still give their opinion to this post?
user 1's flag is invalid ("Lewd character")
Janitor 1 approves this post because of flag vandalism
-> User 2 is flagging the post with a valid reason: Shouldn't Janitor 1 still be able to approve this post?

The ability to mark specific flags as "vandalism" when resolving them could be a workable feature. Maybe it could also hide the flag from the "this image has been flagged" header if the post is flagged again. Otherwise, my thought is that mods shouldn't reapprove posts that they wouldn't normally approve in reaction to the flag reason.

But if a post is deleted because of vandalism, then this would only encourage those people to go out for more posts and that is certainly not something I want to have.
If a post would still be lower the line, then I do it this way: I create a second flag that is calling out the errors and report the other flag in this topic or directly to a moderator. I think that's better than just letting an underaverage post go deleted^^.
So I'd be in favor for your very first proposal: Mark a post as vandalism so the approval doesn't count as a normal approval.

Since there sometimes appear the reason "better blacklist a post instead of flagging it", I wanted to share there my opinion (which I accidentally downvoted :<) from post #2618029. Not sure if it was used as a reason here, but it still gets mentioned sometimes and some users are against flagging completely.
comment #1651171
In short words: If I use a blacklist, then I'm amputating myself because one post doesn't look that good. But I'd miss some good posts under one (blacklisted) tag and that's why I think that this reason doesn't hold any water at all. If I take this to the extreme, because anywhere might be bad posts, then I'd probably have no tag left that allow me to see posts.

Provence said:

Since there sometimes appear the reason "better blacklist a post instead of flagging it", [...]

Taken to another extreme, you could eliminate moderation completely and expect users to maintain their own blacklists... Which is something you can probably get on some other ’boorus. For example, Gelbooru takes everything from Danbooru anyway and has less strict moderation, so if the users who complain about excessive moderation here go over there, not only do they get pretty much everything from Danbooru, they will actually get even more stuff that wouldn’t pass Danbooru’s standards,so it’s win-win for them. They don’t have to stay on Danbooru if they don’t like how we run things, do they?

But eh, getting more off-topic here.

This seems to be the one flag thread so let me digress a bit: As someone that just begun a janitor trial I dunno what to think when a post that was cleared gets flagged again the next day or has a bunch of votes/favorites but still sits in the queue. Like this thing, post #2618455, seven days old and hit twice already or post #2500952, four months old and flagged twice in a week.

Considering most posts in the queue have 4-10 "no interest" votes, I dunno how this system is supposed to even work when it feels anyone can just flag whatever. Something like post #2583479 looks like a nightmare too. What are you supposed to do when an image has 40 votes, 60 faves and 3 no interest votes? I don't particularly like it but let's say I did and approved it, I can almost guarantee it'll get flagged again and then what do we do?

Flags are to the personal discretion of the user, as are appeals and undeletions/reapprovals.

Honestly, if you were to reapprove it you're not too likely to see a flag in that particular situation as some of the flags are checks and asking for further confirmation from other users. What's going on is that several users have taken the initiative of more enforcement, and some of the moderation team has given it a go ahead. If someone flags an image you've chosen to approve with a valid flag, that's within their right to do so for borderline images, and it is also within your right to approve a flagged image if you can justify those re-approvals. Just be willing to understand the reasoning behind the flag before you go ahead. If a flag does sound wrong to you, and you can see that as the case with an image, you're in your power to approve.

If it gets flagged again and deleted, you could always appeal it after that. It takes a while to get used to the approval process, but once you're in the swing of things everything will work out so long as you know what to look out for, including self-uploads, image samples from tumblr/pixiv/deviantart/artstation and anatomical/other design flaws. Some of these are guaranteed flags, so just mark "no interest", "poor quality" or "breaks rules."

I think if a reapproved post immediately gets flagged again by an independent other user that cannot be linked to actual vandalism, it might be a sign that the post is just that bad. Considering that there’s little flag activity going on besides what Provence is doing, an affected post is probably just that bad. If an old posts gets flagged twice in a short amount of time, I think it’s just because the first flag drew attention to it.

Now the score and favcount can be quite unreliable. There are thousands of users on Danbooru and from my experience, most don’t care about things like anatomical issues. Just read all the rage under some flagged posts, with some users seriously claiming not to see some of the most egregious issues. There are also users who favorite almost every image they see. I have no other explanation for users who have 10 000 or more posts favorited. Posts with high scores fall into the former category, posts with just a few favs into the latter.


kittey said:

Only Gold+ users increase score on favoriting. I agree that score and favcount can be unreliable at times, but *generally* it is a good indicator of quality through the popularity of the post. Naturally, there isn't always a correlation, and there are also cases of mediocre-quality images being scored up on the strength and popularity of their copyright (Touhou/Kancolle) (In the long term, the sheer number of posts submitted on strong copyrights results in the average scores trending the same as other copyrights due to flooding of truly mediocre content, however).

Seems like making flags not anonymous would solve about half of the problem.

It never made much sense to why it is anonymous. Are people really so insecure that they're scared of deleting a bad post with their name on it?
And deleting bad posts is also a contribution to the site and therefore, should be credited.

toshiya4 said:

Seems like making flags not anonymous would solve about half of the problem.

Seeing the abuse that goes on in the comments of some flagged posts coming from certain users who are rather averse to flags, this is definitely a bad idea. Some people have a strong negative opinion about flags however justified they are, publicly displaying the author of it is only exposing them to potential abuse with very little positive counterpart.

toshiya4 said:

Seems like making flags not anonymous would solve about half of the problem.

Flags are not anonymous. The flagger names are hidden from wider public though for reasons mentioned above, because that's what used to happen before the decision to hide them was made.

feline_lump said:

I've noticed asymmetrical breasts being listed as an anatomy mistake in several flag reasons lately, and I'd just like to say I don't think that's valid. It's actually more common for a woman in real life to have slightly asymmetrical breasts than perfectly even ones.

Funny, was just going to post about that. Bunch of images in the queue whining about one breast being bigger than the other. Dear anatomy flagger, please look at some real women for once.

I feel the same about some flags that complain about broken spines.

Sacriven said:

post #2638252

Does this pic really needs to be flagged? There's possibility that this artist is the one who designed DnF's official artwork.

The nude parts look out-of-place, and the art style is vastly inconsistent with the artist's other posts. It's most likely a nude filter.

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