
Dark theme for Danbooru

Posted under General

You can also make custom colors.
I use them, since Gold and Builders are looking nearly identical with that navyblue and purple.

For example I have a different color ("gold") for Gold level users^^.
a.user-gold { color:#c79e11 }

Looks something like this. User ranks and colors are changeable.

Super_Dick said:

@MatthewCoccon there's a few other problems Mathhew...the color codes for the forums, different leveled users, & the search bar are missing...for example type-kun's name is normally red and OOZ662's is normally yellow...wheres with this new background theme all of their names are now gray as default...same thing with the links that are provided when using the search there anyway you can fix this?

Hi, Super_Dick.
Maybe you didn't read the topic but I will quote what I wrote.
"P.S. If you find an issue, please attach an image and a link where the screenshot has been taken so I can take a look."

Can you provide an image of the problems do you have and URLs from where you take the screenshot?

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