post #9000000 GET!


Posted under General

niefong said: Personally I don't like it when the system is flooded with individual pages. They could just upload the zip.

Bloodytrant has been doing it a good way, I think, with linking the cover and a page or two, and then rapidsharing the torrent. Only problem is that a rapidshare link doesn't last forever

I'm not sure if it's directed at me but here is what I did.

I personally really uploaded one because I badly wanted to read it, and can't really translate the zip file, can we? But to make up for the huge size (73 pages, I agree it's kinda a lot, and understand the trouble it is to translate it) I pooled and ordered it all by chapter.

I also completed Nanoha's nano doujin and ordered it (took quite long to order and it was only missing 5 pages out of 132)

I didn't just dump them and leave them there.

And for Nano Strikers I supposed it was fine to upload the 21 1st pages, since A's were already all in the system O_o But I do supose if I ever find the whole thing translated, zip file is better

I can certainly see it both ways. Pools are made for this kind of thing, so presumably uploading would be a good idea. I think it's just the sheer amount of it that is a pain.

Maybe if there were some way to upload just a page or two and then upload the rest to the pool without spamming the post/list? Sort of upload the rest behind the scenes with the cover and select pages as pointers? That would require work for Albert though.

Well, the way I see it, the A's and StrikerS Nano stuff are pretty good to have uploaded here (though they ARE available elsewhere, here is probably a good place to have them too)

On the other hand, Danbooru is NOT a scanlation service, and you shouldn't expect people to translate every page of a doujin.

What I was thinking, was that since its possible to embed a RAR file into a JPEG, you could rar up an entire doujin, embed it into the cover, and then upload that file. Thus it would show as the cover of the doujin, tag it as "Complete_Doujin" or somehting, and put in the comments instructions to open it with WinRAR.

This prevents having just the "Download File" placeholder that just uploading the RAR by itself would have. I haven't tried doing this myself, but I might just do that.

I agree with niefong. Danbooru is an image site; the best way to post doujinshi is to upload one or a few representative pages (ideally, ones that are interesting even when taken as stand-alone pictures), and post a link to the entire comic in the comments. The comic can be uploaded to rapidshare or similar services.

The exception to this are very short comics (eg a handful of pages), especially those posted by random artists on the web (as opposed to scans of actual doujinshi releases). There's no problem with posting these whole (assuming they satisfy the usual quality and content requirements, of course).

I don't think Fencedude's idea of embedding an archive inside a picture is a good one, for the following reasons:
1) it wastes space for people who archive pictures, who might not even be aware that there's a comic inside (especially if the pictures are posted elsewhere or kept in one's personal collection);
2) even if you remove the archive afterwards, you're still most likely to end up with a file that's different from the original (which breaks danbooru's hash-based dupe detection, and all sorts of other stuff that's important to people I know);
3) it wastes danbooru's storage and bandwidth;
4) it can cause problems with some browsers, especially if the archive is large.
Bottom line: better use rapidshare, megaupload, etc.

Finally, a word as a translator: although I don't think Almatia had bad intentions, it is a fact that by posting large comics you end up exploiting the work of the volunteers who do translations on this site (and diverting this limited "resource" from everyone else's pictures, too). If you're interested in having a whole comic translated, you should make a commission to a translator you trust. That will get you a better, more consistent result in less time, and it shows that you do appreciate the work involved in making a translation.
(If anyone wants to contact me about this, you can usually find me on the danbooru channel on; wait there for a few hours if I'm sleeping.)

Fencedude said:
Well, the way I see it, the A's and StrikerS Nano stuff are pretty good to have uploaded here (though they ARE available elsewhere, here is probably a good place to have them too)

On the other hand, Danbooru is NOT a scanlation service, and you shouldn't expect people to translate every page of a doujin.

What I was thinking, was that since its possible to embed a RAR file into a JPEG, you could rar up an entire doujin, embed it into the cover, and then upload that file. Thus it would show as the cover of the doujin, tag it as "Complete_Doujin" or somehting, and put in the comments instructions to open it with WinRAR.

This prevents having just the "Download File" placeholder that just uploading the RAR by itself would have. I haven't tried doing this myself, but I might just do that.

That would be awesome, but I've never heard of this embedding scheme you're talking about. I know you can encode small amounts of text in an image by being sneaky about changing the color of select pixels (which I've done). But stuffing a multi-megabyte file into one in the same way is impossible without crapping all over the image, if not, just stupid. (Not to mention the need to have the software capable of decoding the data hidden in the image.) Or.. are you talking about some other mechanism I'm not familiar with?

Personally, I'd do this. Zip/RAR/tar up your doujin/manga/whatever where the root of the archive has one image, and one subdirectory. The subdirectory has all the scanned pages as images (maybe a readme, etc'), and the image in the root is the cover. When you view the post, danbooru pulls out the image in the root of the archive, displays it, and places a link to the entire archive somewhere nearby. Perhaps the extracted cover image could be cached to make it faster. Further, I don't think it'd be hard to detect an uploaded archive that's not in this format, and automatically trash it.

Questions, comments, flames?

Ah, I did ran off in the middle of writing my last post and didn't see LaC's.

The only downside to hosting the archive elsewhere is that there's no guarantee that it'll stay there. Though, if bandwidth and storage are enough of an issue, I can see not wanting the whole archive stashed in danbooru. Would a size limit be feasible? i.e., Not so restrictive so as to make archives useless, but low enough to keep the server from getting raped.

jxh2154 said:
Maybe if there were some way to upload just a page or two and then upload the rest to the pool without spamming the post/list? Sort of upload the rest behind the scenes with the cover and select pages as pointers? That would require work for Albert though.

Yeah that's my main problem with the doujin page floods. It takes a while to find actual other posts since it pushes them all down.

sillycon said:
Would a size limit be feasible? i.e., Not so restrictive so as to make archives useless, but low enough to keep the server from getting raped.

No. The sizes are still significant (even a trivial archive with only a handful of pages will be on the order of 5 or so MB, as opposed to ~500K per pic). But that's not the most important, the primary reason is that you still end up with files that aren't binary identical, and are generally a bad hack, being neither proper image files nor archives.