葉月 said:
Displaying both would defeat the point of having a weighted score in the first place.
Some people seem to want weighed scores for whatever reason; I (and some others, apparently) don't want them, also for whatever reason. It's not only not defeating the point, but actually superior if both are available for whoever prefers either one.
--My "whatever reason" for not wanting weighed votes, feel free to skip if it's boring--
I mean I personally think weighing is a really dumb idea. If I upload a picture as Safe, and someone adjust the score as Questionable, that image doesn't suddenly become less popular, but that's exactly what would happen if weighed scores are put in, giving me bad information if I casually browse my recent uploads for scores (which I do from time to time to see if certain artists/images are appreciated here). Worse still if I upload an image that's Safe as Questionable and someone fixes it, since I can't tell if the sudden jump in popularity is due to people liking the image or my mistake in tagging (especially if I don't remember tagging it wrongly--this happens a lot).
It's even worse if the vote scores are hard-coded into the system: then, I could upload an explicit image as safe by accident, people would vote it into high heavens giving it a HUGELY (damn italics!) inflated score. I'm pretty sure this is a moot point however, as I doubt that's gonna happen.
I also don't like the idea of weird points when I press "vote up" or "vote down". Being from the Internet, I'd like my +1 to be worth +1, not +0.66, +1 or +1.62, weather permitting. Even worse when it's a vote+favorite, suddenly that's worth +3 because the image happens to be safe? Or barely even +1 if the image is explicit! That doesn't make any sense whatsoever to me, and it will be even worse for the vast majority of people here who aren't concerned with the forum or danbooru-development.
But anyway, who am I to tell you guys what I think is dumb if you happen to like it? I'm almost certainly never gonna use it, but there are probably loads of features on this site I never use that people like, and that's great because there's lots of things some people want that others don't.
--End reason--
The only concession I can make on this is that displaying both at the same time might be a bit confusing interface-wise, so it'd probably be better to have it as a flag in Settings. I actually wrote that at first but then I thought it might be better to call attention to the change for casual users who don't read the forum.