This conversation is being migrated over from topic #9127/p144 to avoid derailing that thread any further (conversation started in topic #9127/p142).
Basically, the idea has been put forth to give an option to Admins and Moderators to make their comments immune from downvoting and to make them visually distinct for when they are making official comments. Currently, all Admin comments are downvote proof. Below is some feedback from Admins/Moderators already received on this topic...
Type-kun said (Admin):
To be frank, I don't like that ALL my comments are immune to downvotes now. It's actually somewhat restricting, since making bad jokes or controversial statements feels like abusing my authority.
OOZ662 said (Moderator):
On the topic of mod/admin comment voting, I make plenty of doofy and/or "regular user" comments that should be subject to score. I've seen other sites (most notably Reddit) allow "staff" level accounts to flag certain comments as being "official business" which marks them in a special way and/or keeps them visible. I'm not sure how hard tha'd be to code in, but I'd imagine it being a checkbox next to "No Bump" that would add something below the timestamp denoting that the comment is "official" (no decently clear words or short phrases come to mind right now) and make it immune to voting.
issue #2799 has already been created to address this, however, some are arguing to make the official comments the option, and regular comments the default. Others are arguing to make official comments the default, and regular comments the option.
So what is the preferred option..?
- Default Official, Regular Optional
- Default Regular, Official Optional
Also, please chime in if you have any other thoughts regarding this...