
Wa maid

Posted under Tags

enmaided tag causes some issues, because it implicates maid but is used with wa_maid posts (which makes sense). There are four possible options here, and I'm not sure which one would be best.

1) Leave enmaided alone and accept inconsistency.
2) Remove the enmaided -> maid implication.
3) Remove enmaided from wa_maid posts and encourage using wa_maid alternate_costume instead.
4) Remove enmaided from wa_maid posts and start new tag.

Updated thoughts: I'm against 1 because it defeats the point of cleaning up the tags on a number of images with multiple characters or multiple views. 4 appears to be completely unnecessary since I see no extraneous results with 3 so far. Either 2 or 3 is acceptable to me.


Both solutions require some continuous gardening, but 3 doesn't seem like it would be as much work. I've gone ahead and cleaned up the remaining posts. If there are no objections, I'll update the relevant wikis in a few days to reflect that.