reiyasona said:
Why not put such posts in a dedicated "outstanding eyebrows" pool? An outstanding_eyebrows tag would suffer from subjectiveness.
The wiki for eyebrows states: "Tag for when a character's eyebrows are unusually thick or otherwise stand out from the norm."
The wiki for thick_eyebrows states: "Cases where the character has unusually thick eyebrows."
It therefore follows that we have to filter out all "outstanding" eyebrows and put them in the pool mentioned above.
Tag gardening query: eyebrows -eyebrows_visible_through_hair -forked_eyebrows -thick_eyebrows
Afterwards, we can nuke the eyebrows tag and remove its implications.
Would you in turn say that nose and other such facial tags be nuked too? I guess I should clarify that I like the eyebrows tag as a source of outstanding brows but that's not the way I think it should be tagged. I think it should apply to distinct, accurate, and sufficiently drawn brows. A little colored arch wouldn't suffice. Also isn't this at a scale too large for a pool?
Similarly a girl on this site usually has a little spec for her nose but you shouldn't use the nose tag unless there is a sufficiently drawn nose.
I think regardless of how the tag is handled going forward, the thick, furrowed, and visible through hair implications have got to go. Start with this?