post #9000000 GET!

[bulk] Grabbing

Posted under Tags

In practice, it seems like grabbing is used almost exclusively for people or body parts, rather than inanimate objects. These implications might upset people who search for grabbing looking for that kind of picture, though it is a pretty big tag.

I have no objections to this.
And since grabbing does always apply to grabbing someone else, all grabbing tags for persons (breasts, face, hair etc.) could fall under the grabbing someone tag. For grabbing one self, there are things like self fondle.
And both tags Renim did propose could then imply grabbing.

Might not be much, but I also support this notion. Although I think for posts that only use the grabbing tag (without any tag indicating grabbing someone or grabbing x tags) may have to be gardened if its in this manner. post #2553321 maybe, for example.

EDIT: I'm having a brain lapse, I thought there already existed such a tag. Bleh
