
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

iridescent_slime said:

Maybe it's a grate? I'm honestly not sure; it appears to be woven like a chain-link fence, but that tag implies fence, which doesn't seem applicable to this image.

Tagged grate. Not perfect but probably the best we have. There are some similar-looking posts tagged with it. Seems like there are essentially two different things that the grate tag is used for, but I don't think there are enough to warrant splitting the tag.

Is anyone aware of a tag for a character attempting to hold an open shirt closed as in post #2549246? This isn't within the scope of shirt tug or covering breasts, and the undefined holding clothes doesn't seem to apply to worn items.

Don't think we have a tag for that. I'd think there'd be other instances, so it might be worth making one? Not sure. I'd still tag covering at least, which someone already did.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Do we have a tag that is for any hairstyle that prominently reveals the forehead? That is to say, I'm looking for a sort of equivalent for デコ出し (dekodashi, showing forehead). I know topknot exists but not all haircuts that show the forehead are topknots, but most topknots (as far as I'm aware) do show it.

I was working on post #2465065 and this made me curious.

EDIT: Most topknots, apologies

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