It doesn't have to be varying though. And it doesn't have to be multiple people.
I guess it does apply to also the persons who are directly on the action and not just spectators. Otherwise, there are multiple tags, like embarassed, shocked etc.
I'd classify it as wristwear, but I'm not sure we have a specific tag for it. Reminds me a bit of leather vambraces but it's not really long enough to be that.
Maybe it's a grate? I'm honestly not sure; it appears to be woven like a chain-link fence, but that tag implies fence, which doesn't seem applicable to this image.
Is anyone aware of a tag for a character attempting to hold an open shirt closed as in post #2549246? This isn't within the scope of shirt tug or covering breasts, and the undefined holding clothes doesn't seem to apply to worn items.
Is this shirt a blouse or crop top? My assumption is that these tags are exclusive from each other; that a blouse is meant to be an untucked garment that covers the wearers waist whereas a crop top is meant to expose the waist. The wind in this pic is lifting up the short but I'm not sure whether I'd judge it would normally cover her waist.
She's a holding a manuscript of her new book, but there's no manuscript tag. Should I use the script tag instead?
But going by the "tag what you see" rule, shouldn't it be tagged by what we can see which is an envelope? As someone with no context on the image, I don't see a script anywhere.
But going by the "tag what you see" rule, shouldn't it be tagged by what we can see which is an envelope? As someone with no context on the image, I don't see a script anywhere.