Donmai Upload assistance

Posted under General

evazion said:

Anyone have a login/password they could share?

I have just found that I have created extra account back in old days. While digging out my old mails I just noticed that I have also created extra account. I don't know why I did something like this in the first place but maybe its because I also had encountered problems with registering this chinks site.

Anyways this is just my suggestion but if you guys want we can share this extra account amongst the builders. As long as you guys use it for uploading purpose to browser through this site then I don't think we could encounter any problem with it. It would also come in handy to organize script where the site requires login access.

So just hit me up with private message if you guys want access to site. We can use this extra account that I am no longer using. I have already other active account I am using to bookmark the cosplay pictures that I like so this account might come in handy for denizens of dearly danbooru in my humble opinion.

Qpax said:

I have just found that I have created extra account back in old days. While digging out my old mails I just noticed that I have also created extra account. I don't know why I did something like this in the first place but maybe its because I also had encountered problems with registering this chinks site.

Anyways this is just my suggestion but if you guys want we can share this extra account amongst the builders. As long as you guys use it for uploading purpose to browser through this site then I don't think we could encounter any problem with it. It would also come in handy to organize script where the site requires login access.

So just hit me up with private message if you guys want access to site. We can use this extra account that I am no longer using. I have already other active account I am using to bookmark the cosplay pictures that I like so this account might come in handy for denizens of dearly danbooru in my humble opinion.

I think this isn't a good idea. Multiple users will sometimes trying to login in the same time, resulting in clashes that causes logging off-ing each other.

I guess nobody checked, but there's an account at that appears to work for now...

Don't know how the site handles sessions, but most sites don't enforce a single session per user. There's no reason to assume it'll be a problem (unless you've had that problem with this site?). The bugmenot account has been around for 3 months, so Qpax's secondary account will likely be fine if we use it responsibly.

☆♪ said:

I guess nobody checked, but there's an account at that appears to work for now...

Don't know how the site handles sessions, but most sites don't enforce a single session per user. There's no reason to assume it'll be a problem (unless you've had that problem with this site?). The bugmenot account has been around for 3 months, so Qpax's secondary account will likely be fine if we use it responsibly.

My concern is not the account, but the user. If somehow Qpax share his accounts to three or more different users, it will be a disaster (constant logouts etc.)

My suggestion for now is that Qpax lending one of his account to one of Danbooru's scripter like @evazion or @Hillside_Moose, hoping that there's a way to bypass these "follower only" restriction by looking on the site's script after logging in (maybe there are differences on site's script between non-user and user). I don't know much about scripting, so don't be hard to me.

I still don't see the issue. Logging out one session shouldn't affect any others. Maybe I don't understand what you're trying to say?

Anyway, it doesn't look like there's any real difference in the scripts you get when logged in or not. It's actually pretty funny how close the site's actual algorithm is to what you guys have been doing. To get the "full" image, it literally gets the src of the img tag for the small image, and does a .replace(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png)\/(w\d+|2X3)$/i, ".$1") which is basically just chopping off the end part to get the image URL. It then passes it into but all that does is redirect you to whatever url= is. Seriously, you can put whatever string you want as the query parameter "url" and you'll get it back in a Location header. The other parameters are ignored. Not sure what the purpose of that redirect is... Anyway you never get that first URL at all if you aren't allowed to see the image, so it's not that easy to cheat.

Side note, you can get an image that I think is meant for social network sharing or something from<numbers>/<numbers> (where the numbers match the detail URL). For example, for the blocked image posted earlier it's No need to be logged in. I couldn't find anything for the full image, though, so that's probably a dead end too.

However, I think what @evazion found is enough to get the full URL for single images. It doesn't allow direct transformation of the detail page into an image, unfortunately, but you can:

  • Read the artist user ID from the page.
  • Load timeline for that artist.
  • Look in .data.list for item with matching detail.dp_id and detail.rp_id, where the detail page was
  • The small image URL is in detail.first_image.path
  • Chop off the end bit to get the full image.

You don't have to be logged in for any of that. You could even write a userscript that would do that and show blocked images. For multiple images, I dunno. I'm not likely to spend any more time on this until/unless there's something I actually want to save/upload from there. At least you can tell which posts have multiple images by detail.pic_num > 1.


☆♪ said:

I still don't see the issue. Logging out one session shouldn't affect any others. Maybe I don't understand what you're trying to say?

It's something like this:

=> Account A is shared with User 1, User 2, and User 3

=> User 1 logging in to Bcy using the said account, surfing the website and found a follower-only pics.

=> Amidst the loading process of said pics, User 2 comes and logging in with the same account, automatically disconnect user 1 from web. Let's assume that if somehow Danbooru Bookmarklet is able to process Bcy pics, the user 1 want to upload those follower-only pics. Amidst of the process, he got disconnected and thus the whole uploading process is failed (his access to said pics now restricted).

=> User 3 comes and repeat the step 2 and 3.

Even though each users' GMT is different, therefore different "active time" on Danbooru, it's not impossible for this kind of thing to be occured.

Okay, so I think I understood you the first time, but what I'm trying to say is it doesn't work like that. To make sure, I just tried logging into the bugmenot account in two browsers at once, and neither got logged off. If you don't believe me, feel free to just not use the account. (I don't mean to sound angry, BTW, but I can't think of a nicer way to say that. I'm just not willing to spend any more time talking about this.)

(Also, you might be misunderstanding the bookmarklet a little as well. It basically allows the upload form to see the address of the page you got to the image from, in addition to the image's own address. Danbooru still needs to be able to download the image itself, it doesn't get the actual image data from your browser or anything. Just because you can see an image, if it requires some kind of authentication, doesn't mean Danbooru will be able to, even if you use the bookmarklet.)

By the way, I think that did open up a bit.
Right now, I can look through multiple pages without being blocked.
For example, a few month ago, I was only allowed to look at the first page of this but now I can look through all pages.
Just wanted to let you know, but maybe it's also only a bug right now....But for now, looking through without an account is much easier.

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