Currently, uploads, favs and tag subscriptions are hard-coded at 6 thumbnails each, while the new saved searches are hard-coded at 10 thumbnails each -thanks to BrokenEagle98 for the info: forum #122374
We already have the option to set the number of thumbnails on the post page to anything from 1 to 100, but since a lot of users start browsing Danbooru from their profile page in order to check the latest on their subscriptions or saved searches, I believe having a similar functionality in user settings for profile page categories would be even more useful.
Alternatively, uploads, favs and tag subscriptions could also be hard-coded at 10 thumbnails each, which I believe is the best option for most 1920x1080 displays. If most people here use smaller 1366x768 displays though, then saved searches could be hard-coded at 6 thumbnails instead. Or just hard-code everything to whatever as long as its uniform, just for tidiness.
What do you guys think? Would this be useful for you? Any thoughts and ideas are welcome.