create implication angel_wings -> feathered_wings
"Typically large and spreading, with white feathers."
Posted under Tags
create implication angel_wings -> feathered_wings
"Typically large and spreading, with white feathers."
A couple considerations:
-1 for now. There's also posts like post #2535782 and post #2535796. angel_wings -feathers -feathered_wings might provide more counterexamples along with a lot of untagged feathered_wings.
iridescent_slime said:
- Why isn't this an alias instead? Once we define angel wings as feathered, the differences between the two tags seem pretty insignificant. How do we visually determine the difference between feathered angel wings and other feathered wings, or bird wings for that matter?
An alias would be a bad idea, and the reason the tag was at least retained is the fact that feathered wings should come in all colors, but the dominate colors of black and white overwhelm all other colors and patterns. The tags are necessary to filter the dominate colors so that lesser depicted colors can be found in searches. White feathered wings were mostly common associated with angels, and the naming was really left because of that. Black_wings (which is also defined as a type of feathered wings btw) was more commonly tied with tengu and crow-related characters.
I think initially when feathered_wings was created the tag ordering was sort of like this:
This usage though has obviously deviated over time.
If we really wanted we could probably clean out the angel_wings and either alias the tag or simply migrate the bulk over to a white_feathered_wings tag. Can either alias angel_wings over or keep it to cover non-feathered styled wings depicted on angels. Could also either rename it angelic_wings or simply migrate over non-feathered angel_wings to angelic_wings as the new tag, if that seems appropriate or necessary.
As for the usage of black_wings for black feathered wings, I believe at the time I had argued it didn't make sense to use it as a catchall for all wings, given that the major competitor was either demon or bat wings, which inherently tended to be black and so seemed unnecessary to tag as being black to begin with.
The bird_wings tag, just browsing the forum seems to have been started by a single user who apparently either didn't know the feathered_wings tag existed or didn't care, and so created a redundant tag.