
Replacing tag subscriptions with saved searches

Posted under Bugs & Features

One's profile is also the only route to the listing of one's comments, if one looks for responses.

I'm leery of anything called a portal, since Internet Forums are encouraged to have them as home page, and they are totally ignored in practice, with everyone going to New Posts as standard.

As much as I ignore my Saved Searches; nice to collect, but who's got world enough and time to check them ?

One thing I'd like to be able to do (if its not too large a challenge on back end) is easily change the name of a saved search category, since that's also something that you could do with subscription groups and it made it easier to (re)organize the searches by putting numbers first (like "number - group title"). Pretty minor, but would be nice to have at some point.

Yeah, I'm late as usual, but finally replaced my subscriptions with saved searches and it's great. A big improvement, should have done it months ago, but I didn't notice it till I noticed and figured out the migrate link.

I love how it can handle anything you can search for. I now use it to show my last updated notes and comment posts without having to open a new tab.

Was there any notification regarding that migrate button and the new functionality of saved searches?

Not that I'm complaining, I quite like it now that I switched, but I'm guessing people that don't follow the forum probably have no idea about all these changes.

I found it a nightmare hitting that migrate button out of idle curiosity and finding that the Subscription was stuck in a wretched Saved Search with no way back. I had to recreate the Subscription manually by working out the missing artists, and then deleting the Saved Search.

At the very least the migrate button ought to have a prominent warning saying that this is irrevocable.

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