issue #2743 brings up the possibility of getting rid of note and post locks, as they are seemingly rarely used. Before anything is decided though, it would be good if the rest of the community chimed in on this, to ensure that nothing gets missed.
Here are some of the facts in regards to those locks as presented on GitHub:
Evazion said: (excerpt/paraphrased)
- There are no status-locked posts.
- Note locking is hardly used: only 100 uploads in the past 6 years.
- Most don't have notes or text to begin with.
- The majority of locked posts date from 2008 or earlier, presumably when anonymous editing was still a thing?
Let me put it this way: if we unlocked every post more than 2 years old we'd be left with 16 note locked posts. I see only two vandals among those, both of whom were banned right away and didn't come back. So I think vandalism is a non-issue, it's rare and note-locking doesn't stop it, at best it just shifts vandalism to other posts.