
Is it possible to change the order of "Options" so that "Favorites" is on top of "Resize to window"?

Posted under Bugs & Features

Favoriting images on Danbooru can get annoying when you attempt to press the favorite option, but you touch the edit option which puts your phone into edit mode.
This happens often, is there any way to change this for phone users with chubby fingers?

Here's some quick and dirty custom CSS for hiding the resize link and making the favorite link bigger, maybe that will be good enough. Paste this into the custom CSS box under your account settings:

/* Hide the "Resize to window" link on /posts/1234. */
#c-posts #a-show #post-options > ul > li:nth-child(1) {
  display: none;

/* Make the "Favorite" link bigger on /posts/1234. */
#c-posts #a-show #post-options > ul > li:nth-child(2) {
  font-size: 200%;

Actually changing the order of the links would require a userscript.