
Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

MikeTheV said:
Ones with an (*) weren't even reviewed by a single mod to begin with...

Eh, only because there isn't a message that x moderators reviewed it doesn't mean no one reviewed it. This message disappears after 1 month after its deletion. And all posts with (*) are 1 month old or older.

Provence said:

Eh, only because there isn't a message that x moderators reviewed it doesn't mean no one reviewed it. This message disappears after 1 month after its deletion. And all posts with (*) are 1 month old or older.

Don't know how I missed that, but thanks! Apologies.

MikeTheV said:

Every single one of these is either in excellent quality and/or has excellent scores:

post #2508010
post #2508009
post #2498248
post #2498247
post #2489385
post #2472520 (*)
post #2472426 (*)
post #2224536 (*)

My guess is that they just got lost in the queue. Ones with an (*) weren't even reviewed by a single mod to begin with...

And now *four* got added to the pile...... This is all starting to feel a little futile.

post #2511426
post #2511422
post #2511417 (*)
post #2511410