
Tag implication: penis_on_face -> penis

Posted under Tags

Provence said:

If penis means "exposed" then the post iridescent slime mentioned doesn't fit the other tag.
So penis on face should be something like "An exposed(!) penis touches another's or its owners face".

By that reasoning, the penis grab tag doesn't apply to post #1279291 or post #2288758.

Am I the only one who thinks interpreting tags in the most literal manner seems like splitting hairs? Insisting that penis must be in plain sight just because it's in the tag's name leaves us without any good way of searching for the action occurring in the aforementioned posts. We're actively impeding searchability for the sake of creating another implication, in spite of the philosophy albert espoused in forum #111232.

iridescent_slime said:

By that reasoning, the penis grab tag doesn't apply to post #1279291 or post #2288758.

Am I the only one who thinks interpreting tags in the most literal manner seems like splitting hairs? Insisting that penis must be in plain sight just because it's in the tag's name leaves us without any good way of searching for the action occurring in the aforementioned posts. We're actively impeding searchability for the sake of creating another implication, in spite of the philosophy albert espoused in forum #111232.

Stop your ranting^^. I think you made a good point.