
Creation of Tag: Mima_(Highly_Responsive_to_Prayers)

Posted under General

Hi there

I would like to know if can be created an tag for Mima on Highly Responsive to Prayers, since her outfit is different than Story of Eastern Wonderland, Phantasmagora of Dim. Dream and Mystic Square Outfits (like the difference between Hakurei Reimu and Hakurei Reimu (pc-98), Kirisame Marisa and Kirisame Marisa (pc-98), Kazami Yuuka and Kazami Yuuka(pc-98) and Alice Margatroid and Alice Margatroid (pc-98).

The tag need to implicate the Highly Responsive to Prayers and the tag Mima

Examples of suitable images for tag:
-post #2460354,
-post #2414774,
-post #2400940,
-post #2153628,
-post #1851569,
-post #1776993

and others which mima have an white hat and blue, red and white clothes