post #9000000 GET!

Just curious.

Posted under General

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I know I wouldn't have approved them. I'm not sure what the point of this thread is though, except to bring attention to the issue, since I doubt whoever did approve them will come forward publicly.

Even though I don't like them either, what Shinjidude said is true.
Albert know who approves what, just leave him decide what to do with that person.
Plus if that the case, then I ask who the hell approved this shit (post #289215) TWO TIMES.

While some of those shouldn't have been approved (I flagged an Aerisdies and a cutepet and a few others) the rest aren't that bad, not amazing, but well within the bounds of what we generally accept.

If you think other's are really that horrible, flag them.

For the record, this is presumably why Approver isn't made public other than for admins - this thread is getting sort of lynch-mobby.

Personally, I wouldn't have approved them, but it's extremely rare that I approve explicit sex images at all. So whether or not I'd approve them isn't really important. I think it's mostly just the first page that's really borderline, but I've seen much worse approved. Certainly this isn't worth a witch hunt, which is where it's kinda leaning.

Shinjidude said: I'm not sure though if it's our job to police each other post facto.

It isn't, barring obvious sabotage/rule violations. Again, that's surely why this information isn't made public, because you get a lot of heated "Why'd you approve that shit?!" threads.

Like Fence said, if you think they're truly horrid, flag them. I already went through and deleted a few with aerisdies watermarks and the like.

homeless_homo said: (Sorry I'm not sure on how to link users like posts or comments)

Don't think we can, though it'd be good to add.

jxh2154 said:
For the record, this is presumably why Approver isn't made public other than for admins - this thread is getting sort of lynch-mobby.

I guess that's a good point. It just gets to me when I avoid certain uploads like the damn plague and then I see it get approved. I'm sure a lot of other Janitors feel this way as well.

homeless_homo said: I guess that's a good point. It just gets to me when I avoid certain uploads like the damn plague and then I see it get approved. I'm sure a lot of other Janitors feel this way as well.

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. But on the whole it seems like a lot of the crap doesn't get approved. There's always PLENTY of stuff at the bottom about to hit its 3 days.

I approved post #359162, if I recall correctly. Most of these aren't amazing but they're not horrible either. I wouldn't have approved most of them, but I certainly wouldn't object to most of them being approved.

homeless_homo said:
It just gets to me when I avoid certain uploads like the damn plague and then I see it get approved. I'm sure a lot of other Janitors feel this way as well.

Not really. I approve what I like, and if something gets approved that I don't like, I just accept that people's tastes differ. However if I really think a post is utterly terrible, I'll flag it for deletion. If it then gets reinstated, I might be a little irate, I suppose.

FeKa said:
Even though I don't like them either, what Shinjidude said is true.
Albert know who approves what, just leave him decide what to do with that person.
Plus if that the case, then I ask who the hell approved this shit (post #289215) TWO TIMES.

I still want to know what's REALLY wrong with it. The only explanation you ever gave or give me is it's "bad quality of an ugly ass." 1) It doesn't look ugly to me. 2) That kind of wording tries at making something clearly subjective (you thinking it's an ugly ass) look like it's objective by invoking the objective idea of bad quality.

For number two, it's clearly subjective until there are objective reasons behind it. Aside from maybe blurriness, I see absolutely nothing about it that's grounds for deleting it. If there actually IS something wrong with it, elaborate so people like me will know what's wrong with it so we don't upload similar images in the future.

If there's any actual lacking in that image, it's very clearly something that needs to be explained if both myself and at least one janitor/mod/admin deem it worth keeping here.

As a semi-related aside, I know there's another half to that picture from the front. I don't have it, but I've seen it before and it's not among the deleted Chun-Li images. If someone wants to hunt it down, feel free, I just felt like I should mention it while I remembered.

To you it looks good? to me not. Easy.
Obviously someone like it because it keep coming back from the deletion pool again and again... I don't really care anymore.
I'd approve what I think is good, and that thing ISN'T good.
Sadly, my english is really shitty to explain in detail why I hate that pic, but if you want to call it a "subjective" matter, then it's a subjective matter.

I can only quote homeless_homo about this:
"It just gets to me when I avoid certain uploads like the damn plague and then I see it get approved. I'm sure a lot of other Janitors feel this way as well."

But be happy! Isn't deleted, so you can see it whenever you want!

FeKa said:
To you it looks good? to me not. Easy.
Obviously someone like it because it keep coming back from the deletion pool again and again... I don't really care anymore.
I'd approve what I think is good, and that thing ISN'T good.
Sadly, my english is really shitty to explain in detail why I hate that pic, but if you want to call it a "subjective" matter, then it's a subjective matter.

I can only quote homeless_homo about this:
"It just gets to me when I avoid certain uploads like the damn plague and then I see it get approved. I'm sure a lot of other Janitors feel this way as well."

But be happy! Isn't deleted, so you can see it whenever you want!

It's a simple case of telling me what you see objectively bad about the picture that makes it worthy of deletion. I haven't read a single argument on what makes it bad on objective standards, and I literally cannot see anything wrong with the image even subjectively except for MAYBE some blurriness.

I don't see why this is such a big problem. All I'm doing is asking you to put forth a reason more helpful and meaningful than "I think it's an ugly ass." If you have a good reason, I won't be able to argue against it AND it'll alert me to something else I should avoid when I upload images to danbooru. That a janitor/mod/admin sees the picture as acceptable for danbooru shows why it would need to be explained. Do you really want both a regular uploader AND one of the people with authority here to continue making the same mistakes if there really is something objectively wrong with it?

I'm not asking you to fall in love with the image. I'm only asking you to give a substantial reason for why it should be deleted.

Stop the drama. Thread locked.

Oh, also:

salarta said: As a semi-related aside, I know there's another half to that picture from the front. I don't have it, but I've seen it before and it's not among the deleted Chun-Li images. If someone wants to hunt it down, feel free, I just felt like I should mention it while I remembered.

For the love of god, NO. The back is horrid enough.