
Bat wings and Demon wings

Posted under General

EB said:

aldeayeah's post in topic #2347 is a good explanation of the distinction (pretty similar to what I think on the tags). I think with most demon girls, demon_wings would be the appropriate tag. I feel like bat_wings is mistakenly overused.

Really? I've long felt bat wings to be underused, if anything. Most demon girls' wings are clearly modeled after bat wings (except for the feathered ones, of course), and without any obviously unnatural embellishments (bright colors, tatters, claws), the differences between these wings and real-life bat wings are minor enough to be discounted as artistic license. I feel like it's a big mistake not to tag images like post #1089481, post #1672216, and post #2389451 as bat wings on the basis of having misshapen thumbs or the wrong number of digits. I'm not saying we shouldn't tag them demon wings as well, but dropping images from the bat wings search results just because they aren't anatomically perfect is the wrong way to go.

Sacriven said:

Yeah. I only use bat wings only to vampire characters like Remilia Scarlet, for their species isn't exactly a "demon".

So you would use different tags to describe visually identical wings, based solely on other aspects of the character?

iridescent_slime said:

Really? I've long felt bat wings to be underused, if anything. Most demon girls' wings are clearly modeled after bat wings (except for the feathered ones, of course), and without any obviously unnatural embellishments (bright colors, tatters, claws), the differences between these wings and real-life bat wings are minor enough to be discounted as artistic license. I feel like it's a big mistake not to tag images like post #1089481, post #1672216, and post #2389451 as bat wings on the basis of having misshapen thumbs or the wrong number of digits. I'm not saying we shouldn't tag them demon wings as well, but dropping images from the bat wings search results just because they aren't anatomically perfect is the wrong way to go.

Bat wings: 29k posts
Demon wings: 5k posts

Which part of that seems "underused"?

iridescent_slime said:
So you would use different tags to describe visually identical wings, based solely on other aspects of the character?

Usually yes. You won't tag an angel pic with bird wings because they look similar, do you? That's why angel wings is exist. Same goes for demon wings.

Sacriven said:

Bat wings: 29k posts
Demon wings: 5k posts

Which part of that seems "underused"?

The part where there are posts that should be tagged bat wings but aren't. Post count has no bearing on whether a tag is underused.

Usually yes. You won't tag an angel pic with bird wings because they look similar, do you? That's why angel wings is exist. Same goes for demon wings.

Actually, I tag the wings of both angels and bird girls as feathered wings. I can think of no reason angel wings should exist as a tag either. The definition in the wiki does nothing to explain how they are distinct from other feathered wings.

iridescent_slime said:

The part where there are posts that should be tagged bat wings but aren't. Post count has no bearing on whether a tag is underused.

Well that means the terms "underused" here is quite subjective.

iridescent_slime said:

Actually, I tag the wings of both angels and bird girls as feathered wings. I can think of no reason angel wings should exist as a tag either. The definition in the wiki does nothing to explain how they are distinct from other feathered wings.

At least for me, any character with white/golden colored feathered wings and using "heavenly" clothing are angels. I use both tags actually {feathered and angel}