
Request for vote Up / Down Keys

Posted under Bugs & Features

I love, love, love, love the shortcuts we've got - like d for next page and f for favorite. I use them constantly.

Can we get shortcuts for vote up and vote down? Maybe = and + for up, - for down, I'd use those dozens of times a day - that's the most common and important thing anyone should be doing as they're browsing the new posts.

Ideally every single person who actually bothered to view a post would give it an up or down or consciously decide to opt out of either, and the easier that is the more people will do it. It'd sure help with the quality problem.

No real thoughts, but I believe that favoriting, which is an upvote, means one can't upvote again; as I favourite a lot, and rarely downvote --- except for gross cruelty --- since I couldn't draw one tenth as well as the meanest image, I rarely notice scores.

I needed another way to accidentally down vote a post.

I'm not sure that this is necessary - navigation is one thing, but voting should be more deliberate. Plus vote scores don't measure quality - just popularity. And favoriting a post adds a vote for Gold+ users - so for the bulk of users this has no purpose.

Remember that only gold+ can vote. That's probably the reason there's no shortcuts yet, simply because majority of users don't even have the feature. On the other hand, there's a shortcut for approval, so...

Binding upvote and downvote to keys should be pretty easy, but I can't decide the good keys for that right away. Obvious "v" is already taken. Thoughts? Keep in mind that it can be bound to a single key with and without shift pressed - putting downvote to shift+key also reduces the possibility to accidentally downvote a post.

Type-kun said:

Binding upvote and downvote to keys should be pretty easy, but I can't decide the good keys for that right away. Obvious "v" is already taken. Thoughts? Keep in mind that it can be bound to a single key with and without shift pressed - putting downvote to shift+key also reduces the possibility to accidentally downvote a post.

If you had to have keyboard shortcuts, keep them away of the rest of the controls. I'd suggest + to up vote and Shift-+ to down vote to avoid the accidental down voting of a post. Hell, I've already done that a few times even without shortcut keys as they don't give you a prompt the way deleting a comment or similar does it should be harder to down vote, not easier.

It should he a conscious act which requires confirmation.

For now I've put my money where my mouth is and wrote a script for Firefox + Autohotkey ( I'm sure it wouldn't be too different for Chrome. The '#IfWinActive Danbooru' makes sure it doesn't kick in for any other windows or games.

I've got other stuff on the numpad (next post, close tab, add artist to favorites) so I used Numpad 2 and 8 for up and down. You could change the 'Numpad2::' to ++:: for shift-plus, ^u:: for ctrl-u, !u:: for alt-u, #u:: for winkey-u, or NumpadPlus:: for numpad plus (etc)

; === Danbooru vote post up / down in Firefox ===
#IfWinActive Danbooru
DBFindVote( )
	SendInput,vote up
	clipboard = ; clear clipboard
	SendInput,{Shift Down}{Right}{Right}{Shift Up}^c
	ClipWait     ; wait for data
	if( clipboard != "up" ) {
		MsgBox,,,No 'vote up' found,3
		return 0
	return 1

; Vote down with Numpad 2
if( DBFindVote() == 1 )
	SendInput {tab}{return}
	SendInput {home}
	; MsgBox,,,Voted DOWN,1

; vote up with numpad 8
if( DBFindVote() == 1 )
	SendInput {return}
	SendInput {home}
	; MsgBox,,,Voted UP,1
