post #9000000 GET!

The Breast Reformation Thread

Posted under Tags

Judging by a quick glance on the first page that the large_breasts order:random search brought up for me on my ohone, there's one questionable result I can see (the blue haired girl in nekomimi) but the rest look properly tagged. Certainly not as bad as the first page of the flat_chest solo cleavage search I ran.

The examples BrokenEagle gave are all small breasts (except for the middle example. They all form a little shadow below the breasts which is more important than a little black line. Like I said: Too much "science" here. As long as the indicators are there, use the specific size tag and all of them are small except one.

And the bust chart in question might provide an artstyle, but these definitions should fit for all normal-proportioned humans (-> chibis are out).

order:id id:1..1000000 breasts -small_breasts -medium_breasts -large_breasts -huge_breasts -gigantic_breasts
-> "Nobody here but us chickens"
As you can see, the first million posts are now tagged with the specific breast size.
That means we can finally attack the next million range ^o^.

And how I tagged things with large breasts: Medium_breasts are "considerably smaller than the size of the person's head." So I moved ahead and said to me: Large breasts are not considerably smaller then the head. And with the bust chart in mind, I hope I didn't make to many differences as you would tag them :P.

Since we (Nitrogen and I) aren't even halfway through with the tagging, I wanted to know if someone else wants to help with the tagging process. It's kinda frustrating when so many posts are missing and I don't feel that there is much progress.
Well, it would be really nice if someone is willing to help.

Provence said:

Since we (Nitrogen and I) aren't even halfway through with the tagging, I wanted to know if someone else wants to help with the tagging process. It's kinda frustrating when so many posts are missing and I don't feel that there is much progress.
Well, it would be really nice if someone is willing to help.

Tell everyone what's your current "ID" position, so they won't be clashing with your work.

Sacriven said:

Tell everyone what's your current "ID" position, so they won't be clashing with your work.

Nitrogen is working from 1500000 backwards and has reached 1440000
I'm working forward and I've reached 1170000.
So that means nearly everything above 1500000 is untouched and the area between 1170000 to 1440000.

Provence said:

Since we (Nitrogen and I) aren't even halfway through with the tagging, I wanted to know if someone else wants to help with the tagging process. It's kinda frustrating when so many posts are missing and I don't feel that there is much progress.
Well, it would be really nice if someone is willing to help.

sure, what do you need me to do?

I'm making a note here: huge success. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

Since September 2016 the breast sizes small_breasts, medium_breasts and large_breasts have been showing significant growth. I'm especially pleased by the expansion rate of the new breast size medium_breasts. The tag count increased from ~97400 to ~170500 (see forum #119415)! Now medium_breasts is, by a huge margin, the second most used breast tag after large_breasts (~344000). (*^▽^*)

At this point I'd like to thank all the uploaders and tag gardeners for giving 2D girls with medium breasts the love that they deserve. (●♡∀♡)
I am especially grateful for the tagging work done by @Provence , @Nitrogen09 , @BrokenEagle98 and @Rignak (added you to the thread overview post). If I forgot to mention someone, please let me know.

I'm actually curious how far especially Rignak got in the last few months. I quit the job completely after the beginning of September and I still don't want to do any bid tag gardening anymore. It just burnt me out and I consider it as pretty boring over time.

Provence said:

I'm actually curious how far especially Rignak got in the last few months. I quit the job completely after the beginning of September and I still don't want to do any bid tag gardening anymore. It just burnt me out and I consider it as pretty boring over time.

According to forum #116365:

order:id id:..1500000 breasts -small_breasts -medium_breasts -large_breasts -huge_breasts -gigantic_breasts (~400 posts left)
order:id id:1500000..2000000 breasts -small_breasts -medium_breasts -large_breasts -huge_breasts -gigantic_breasts (~16200 posts left) <- Maybe here?
order:id id:2000000..2500000 breasts -small_breasts -medium_breasts -large_breasts -huge_breasts -gigantic_breasts (~63500 posts left)
order:id id:2500000.. breasts -small_breasts -medium_breasts -large_breasts -huge_breasts -gigantic_breasts (~11000 posts left)

order:id id:..500000 multiple_girls breasts -medium_breasts (~14100 posts left)
order:id id:500000..1000000 multiple_girls breasts -medium_breasts (~11000 posts left)
order:id id:1000000..1500000 multiple_girls breasts -medium_breasts (~12500 posts left)
order:id id:1500000..2000000 multiple_girls breasts -medium_breasts (~17700 posts left)
order:id id:2000000..2500000 multiple_girls breasts -medium_breasts (~24200 posts left)
order:id id:2500000.. multiple_girls breasts -medium_breasts (~5200 posts left)

BrokenEagle98 said:

Huzzah... \( ゚ヮ゚)/

Totally forgot to mention @NWF_Renim who approved all of this. ^^

Some stats:

Number of uses of tags over time:

Date --- Breasts -- Huge --- Large --- Medium -- Small -- Flat
08/08 - 656018 - ****** - 262707 - 051291 - 047708 - ******
16/08 - 659467 - ****** - 264688 - 053382 - 048311 - 064478
13/09 - 670170 - 050160 - 288508 - 098698 - 062230 - 065113
15/10 - 682310 - 050790 - 293202 - 102141 - 064081 - 065705
14/11 - 694543 - 051508 - 299371 - 108952 - 066642 - 066434
02/12 - 700661 - 051867 - 307167 - 122948 - 068906 - 066787
01/01 - 712991 - 052655 - 322228 - 144048 - 072920 - 067443
26/01 - 723076 - 053564 - 334053 - 159453 - 077006 - 067939

% of site tagged with each of these on 13/09/2016 and 26/01/2017 (rounded to 2dp):

Tag name -------- 13/09 - 26/01
Breasts ----------- 26.98 - 27.71
Huge Breasts ---- 02.02 - 02.05
Large Breasts ---- 11.62 - 12.80
Medium Breasts - 03.97 - 06.11
Small Breasts ---- 02.51 - 02.95
Flat Chest -------- 02.62 - 02.60
Any Size* -------- 20.12 - 23.91

Dates are erratic as they're at points when I reached certain milestones (with some skipped above) rather than at regular intervals. Start date for the first set was chosen as that's the first time all breast sizes bar huge breasts were included. Start date for the second is the first time all tags are included.

Obviously by the start point quite a lot of tagging had already taken place. On 24th July when I first included Medium Breasts, it had 36979 posts (01.52% of the site). At that time large breasts had 247890 (10.19%) and breasts overall had 649090 (26.68%).

Of the 280 tags recorded on 13/9/2016, medium_breasts saw the 5th biggest absolute increase by 26/1/2017 (behind 1girl, solo, greyscale and long_hair - the smallest "increase", incidentally, was copyright_request at -63). The only tag not recorded at the time which has seen a bigger gain since is of course bad_pixiv_id, which didn't exist.

^This means data not collected.

Sum of huge breasts to small breasts. Flat chest not included. For comparison with the breasts figure. Figures may not add up due to rounding.


Provence said:

I'm actually curious how far especially Rignak got in the last few months. I quit the job completely after the beginning of September and I still don't want to do any bid tag gardening anymore. It just burnt me out and I consider it as pretty boring over time.

I'm currently at 1880000, working forward.

And even if you put -small_breasts -large_breasts -huge_breasts -gigantic_breasts it will not work because they often are forgotten (I think it's because of all the tags which implicate breasts). Of all the picture withouts breast size, those which need medium are slightly less than 50% (from what I saw).

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