
Is there a tag for this kind of anime-esque shine?

Posted under General

Blue_Trident said:

Those are actually diffraction spikes. Diffraction spikes manifest as multiple spikes radiating from a point of light while lens flares manifest as overall haziness and artifacts in the image. There's no tag for diffraction spikes.

Ah damn ... you are right. ;D

I was thinking about the lens flare lines created by anamorphic cinema lenses.

The starburst (diffraction) effect in the second image certainly looks like it was caused by a lens with 4 blade aperture.

onlyaw said:

Should diffraction spikes or starburst diffraction become a new tag?


Examples of lens flares and diffraction spikes:

Bonus: Some examples of anamorphic lens flares: post #2378642, post #2383337, post #2393349, post #2336076 (real world examples: 1, 2, 3)

kuuderes_shadow said:

So which of these (if any) are diffraction spikes?

post #2439268: Doesn't look like diffraction spikes because there is no light source. However, the picture should get the bokeh (out of focus points of light) tag.
post #2424195: diffraction spikes + sparkle
post #2418715: badly visible diffraction spikes + veiling flare (type of lens flare) without the artifacts of ghosting flare (in this case)
post #2418748: diffraction spikes + sparkle
post #2305757: diffraction spikes + sparkle