There are three main reports that can be checked to see how a user is doing:
1. User Promotions report
Self-explanatory. It lists the deletion percentage and negative score of recent posts for users that do not have the unlimited uploads privilege
2. Contributors report
Is supposed to tell how well users with the unlimited uploads privilege are doing. It lists the same information as #1.
3. Janitor Trials report
Tells how well users with the approve posts privilege are doing. It shows the quartile and median score of the posts that they have approved recently.
Problem Statement
As it stands, #2 is almost next to useless (to me at least). Since these users' posts will only get deleted if they send it through the queue or if they get flagged, almost everyone on that report has a 0% deletion rate.
I would much rather the report for #2 be like the report for #3, i.e. it would show the quartile and median score for posts those with unlimited uploads have uploaded recently.
This would make that report much more useful for me, as it's difficult to track how I'm doing overall, and it would be immensely cumbersome to have to find my median and quartile score manually.
Anyways, this is just how I've thought... What do other people with the unlimited uploads privilege think?