LaC said: But sweet potatoes and yams are different things.
I was wondering about that. But for the purposes of this thread, since the alias was already there I was changing what it aliased to, rather than questioning if it should or shouldn't alias to yams of any number.
I see some definitions on implying they're the same. Is this a regional difference maybe? I've never really thought much about it myself.
unicogirl said: ^_^ mostly just suggesting alias. in case someone uploads, so it automatically changes.
I know, but aliases are most important when theres an expectation that people will *often* tag with the wrong tag. If it's never really happened, it's not a job so much for aliases (which by their nature raise the chance of tag conflict) as it is just tag maintenance.
weird. wonder why teacup and cup is together.
When I went to disconnect them, someone else had already cleared that up and properly tagged all the teacup images (thanks to whoever). So that one is okay now.
when i think of Jelly on danbooru
i think of those little drop monsters.
and most likely characters are eating jam, which is red.
That's why I just changed the tags rather than aliased them, so we can still use the 'jelly' tag for some other purpose if need be.
Anyway, enough thinking about tags for me for now, off to watch Gundam.