in principle yes (and the cosplay tag too), but adding an implication for every character would probably be overkill
Posted under General
I just ran a search for *_(cosplay) and only 20-some images came up, which I know is wrong. yoko_ritona_(cosplay) has 32 images, so obviously *_(cosplay) can't only be ~20. Wonder what the issue is.
[Actually, wild card searches seem to be broken in general. *_sakura doesn't bring up a single kinomoto_sakura image. Edit: created thread here - forum #11679]
Anyway, even if these tags were used consistently, which they aren't, the implication would have to be a special case coded by albert to automatically recognize a [character]_(cosplay) format and apply the character. We can't realistically, and I wouldn't want to, submit every single one of these manually.
But how often do the [character]_(cosplay) tags really get added without the character being added? It seems like the opposite happens a lot more, in my experience. Character but no [character]_(cosplay) tag.
officially the *_(cosplay) tag is optional anyway, in the thread of which this one is a near-duplicate: forum #3416 (also forum #1261)