post #9000000 GET!

Twitter and Approvals

Posted under General

I wanted create this topic quite a while ago but it seems that Twitter uploads are much more likely to get deleted, since twitter uploads are lower quality then pixiv uploads Or better said: If the parent upload is uploaded afterwards, most times this upload is from pixiv of course.
I don't know what the reason is why some twitter uploads are rejected and some posts are approved. It seems there is is no clear reason for that.
And I consider it as pretty unfair for uploaders (most likely users that don't have unlrestricted upload permissions) that upload the twitter upload before the pixiv upload since the pixiv upload just didn't exist while the twitter upload was contributed here.
So I have two proposals for this:
1. Twitter uploads should always go trough the mod queue and it doesn't matter if the uploader is contributor or not.
2. Twitter uploads are treated the same as pixiv uploads IF the twitter upload was uploaded before the pixiv upload. (Most of the times, theartist didn't upload it on pixiv).

*Pixiv can be changed to Deviantart, Tumblr etc.

If the delay its only a few hours, then I can understand the Twitter uploads getting the boot, unless the file is basically unchanged from Pixiv (and I do filesize comparisons). If the upload is a day or two later on the Pixiv side, then I don't see a reason to boot the Twitter uploads unless they're ones which wouldn't have passed moderation anyways.

Besides making more work for the mods, what will the first proposal change? Won't Twitter uploads still be approved, only for a Pixiv version to come out later?

The trouble with the second proposal is that Twitter recompresses images. In the case of PNGs, it just adds junk data and throws off the MD5 matching; but for JPGs, there's usually noticeable artifacting. I don't think Twitter JPGs should be blanket banned because sometimes that's the only version of the picture, or the resolution is so much higher than the other versions that the artifacting becomes less of an issue than the size. Even so, we can't just ignore the difference in quality if and when the image is uploaded somewhere that doesn't recompress, such as Pixiv.

fossilnix said:

Besides making more work for the mods, what will the first proposal change? Won't Twitter uploads still be approved, only for a Pixiv version to come out later?

The trouble with the second proposal is that Twitter recompresses images. In the case of PNGs, it just adds junk data and throws off the MD5 matching; but for JPGs, there's usually noticeable artifacting. I don't think Twitter JPGs should be blanket banned because sometimes that's the only version of the picture, or the resolution is so much higher than the other versions that the artifacting becomes less of an issue than the size. Even so, we can't just ignore the difference in quality if and when the image is uploaded somewhere that doesn't recompress, such as Pixiv.

The idea behind the first proposal is to not diffrenciate any longer between contributors and non-contributors who upload from twitter.
The idea's reason have you pefectly explained in your second paragraph why pixiv uploads are not the quality pixiv (or dA etc.) has.
For the first reason against this propsoal: Doesn't matter. That's their job :P.

Twitter is special since it recompresses the art, this makes it inferior to other sources. Twitter uploads still get approved, though. They also should not get deleted when the same art is uploaded from another source, just parented to it.

I guess what sometimes happens is this: During the time a twitter upload hangs in the queue the same art is uploaded from another source. That changes things because due to there already being a superior upload the twitter one won't be approved.

Any other opinions to this?
I think my opinion is not really different if that here is the case (as stated above):
1. User 1 uploads from Twitter -> Upload is pending approval
2. Contrib. 1 uploads the same image from Pixiv -> User 1's upload is still pending approval.
3. After 3 days: User 1's upload is deleted.
And I want to ask if one should then still approve the Twitter version.