
Tag implication: muneate -> breastplate

Posted under General

Eh, I'm a bit late but this implication is not as clear-cut as it may appear.
From what I can see breastplate is used for an actual peace of (usually metal) armor, while muneate is a very light chest protector that doesn't look like something that can be classified as armor in most cases.

I think that this implication should be reverted and breastplate tag added manually to posts where it is really warranted.

Sorry, for rolling up this very old topic but it seems that the strongest reason against this impllication was, that muneate is not an armor. But I just looked up what implies armor and breastplate does not imply armor.
So, that structure given, is there really any counter reason for this implication?

Provence said:

Sorry, for rolling up this very old topic but it seems that the strongest reason against this impllication was, that muneate is not an armor. But I just looked up what implies armor and breastplate does not imply armor.
So, that structure given, is there really any counter reason for this implication?

Per the wiki entry, when Danbooru users tags "breastplate", it's meant for metal armor on the chest area which deflects or absorbs blows, attacks, and strikes - it's meant to reference a very specific piece of equipment.

The muneate is usually not metal and is only there to stop the bowstring from injuring the breasts - it's more like an archer's arm guard than armor. Given the colloquial usage for breastplate as "armor" as well as the dictionary definition, I'm against the implications - otherwise we might as well start adding knee_pads to leg_armor as well.

Note also that shoulder_pads and pauldrons are not implicated due to one being armor while the other is not - the same distinction that muneate and breastplates share.
