
Mountain Pukuichi posts deleted

Posted under General

RaisingK said:
Would he even care about losing foreign fans?

Well, either he cares about foreign fans, then he'd care about losing them. And from the quoted blog post, he seems to care about reading the comments anyway.

If he doesn't care about foreign fans, but doesn't want us to see his pics either, he's a hypocrite or xenophobe and his request should be disregarded.

^_^;; why do you guys trip so much when an artist request you remove their work?

only part i can agree on is someone who draws an established character (doujin), and then claiming rights to it, even though it is not their art style to begin with. if that made sense.

LaC said:
Hey, I'm trying to engage in constructive and reasonable dialogue here. Please don't destroy all hope right away.

I'm just stating a fact. If you don't believe me, google "this site is link free", with the quotes. You'll get a lot of sites explaining the concept.

If I thought Japanese netiquette the gospel to be adhered to religiously by the rest of the world then obviously I wouldn't be contributing to danbooru. But when you run a site dealing near-exclusively with Japanese artists it's good to be aware of these things.

By Japanese standards, a site like danbooru is just not acceptable, period. To be acceptable, it would have to be like da, so that only artists can upload. That there aren't more removal requests is probably due to the fact that Japanese tend to avoid confrontation.

If a dialog is established, then maybe we can convince them that the art is going to be reproduced anyway, and a site that reproduces at full quality and gives full credit is preferrable to other sites compressing the hell out of the art and not mentioning artists at all.

But then again, maybe not.

Just to clarify, can we upload new material by Mountain Pukuichi? I naturally assumed that we shouldn't, but then albert said this in the thread about reiq's work being removed:

albert said:
Additionally (and I don't usually do this for take down notices) I'd like to ask the janitors/mods to refrain from approving reiq/jiggly girl images (which users should not be uploading).

That seems to imply that usually we can upload new material after a take down notice.

evazion said: That seems to imply that usually we can upload new material after a take down notice.

I just read that to mean that he doesn't usually go and explicitly point it out, but he wanted to clarify it this time. Maybe?

And I read that as "users should not be uploading [reiQ/jiggly girl images]", with the implication that those images are not really danbooru material in the first place.

It is a mystery.

*cough* *cough* Phew, there was a good layer of dust on that meme.


Don't upload new Mountain Pukuichi posts. It's pointless for me to hardcode this ban because people can easily circumvent it but I'm asking users not to upload his artwork and for janitors not to approve it.

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