
Proposal for a new tag: "Back Fire P3wed"

Posted under General

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Hello again, I am back to talk about creating a new tag - back_fire_p3wed. I got the ideal for this off of post# 137905(, it is my comment on the post. So, I am checking with all of the members and mods of "Dandooru" before I create the tag. Please let me know what you think of this proposal.

Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.

Updated by jxh2154

No, you cannot use such strangely constructed tags. I don't even know what a p3wed is. Is that some corruption of pwned?

I mean, I'm glad you asked instead of just going and doing it, but it's really not a sensible tag.

jxh2154 said:
No, you cannot use such strangely constructed tags. I don't even know what a p3wed is. Is that some corruption of pwned?

I mean, I'm glad you asked instead of just going and doing it, but it's really not a sensible tag.

jxh2154, you are basically right about the derivative of pwned. this version and others have been circulating around the web for some time now. Please view the link that I have provited in my original post to see would I am talking about. P3wmed, pwned, powned, etc = player owned

Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.

Regardless of construction, when making new tags you need to think of their general applicability. If it's a tag that's likely only going to refer to a single post, it's probably not a good feature to tag.

And it's not a good practice to use leetspeak to construct tags anyway.

If you want to create a tag that describes images where an action is backfiring on an individual, then a better name needs to be used. Though I can't see there being many occasions to use such a tag.

Thank you Shinjidude and jxh2154 for your advise. Maybe I should create a player owned tag instead for general purpose so everybody can use but what should use for the tag? p3wned, powned, pwned, player owned, owned, etc.. can help me deside what I should use, please post your ideals about what the tag should be. Also, please do not lock or end this post, thank you.

Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.

truckingman said: Maybe I should create a player owned tag instead for general purpose so everybody can use but what should use for the tag? p3wned, powned, pwned, player owned, owned, etc..

If we think we need it, we'll create it. If not, we won't. Don't do anything with it.

Before this derails more, I'm locking the thread. If anyone else thinks we need a tag that represents actions backfiring, please start a new request thread.