
Tag implication: center_frills -> frills

Posted under Tags

Before creating that implication, I think we should at least get some input on if people approve of the tag name. It takes a check first to know what exactly the tag is for (btw there's no wiki for it yet either), so getting some extra input on it would be worthwhile.

What I'm seeing on google would indicate that "ruffle front" or less popular "frill front" seems to be the broad terminology for it. The problem with that then is that it doesn't specifically indicate the frill goes straight down the center, and whether the ruffle goes vertically or horizontally.

For the broad concept I think ruffle-front_top or frill-front_top wouldn't be bad, but for tags to more narrowly cover this could have the slightly broader vertical_ruffle-front_top as the name. Could have it more narrowly defined and go with vertical_center_ruffle-front_top or for shorter center_ruffle-front_top (can swap ruffle for frill for any of these ideas). Could also remove top from the tag name so just like center_frill-front, etc.
