
[bulk] remove implication webm -> animated

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Given that example, I'm not really in favor of supporting single frame "videos" with only audio. I think "videos" like that are much more open to abuse with people just throwing in random audio (or album covers and music tracks). We're primarily for visual images and animation (which video was meant to be another means of support for that), so I'm not really in to supporting things that focus more on audio than visual.

Also if you do this with webm, you'd have to do this with mp4 as well.

Why would they do that? Isn't this a repository for visual based mediums? If its just a single unmoving frame where the focus is only on the sound, it shouldnt be uploaded and approved here in the firat place.

I only noticed that the post was still pending after I submitted this, and also that it's the only 'still frame' video with sound. I agree with your sentiments that single frame/sound videos shouldn't be uploaded in the first place.

This is not a good remove implication request, sorry.

Given that non-animated webm's are an aberration, and that the original requester wanted to withdraw the implication request, I went ahead and deleted it for now. It can always be added again if it's decided that we want to separate webm and mp4 from the animated implication.