
Dragon Quest III: Class Tag Consistency

Posted under Tags

Looking into the Dragon Quest III class tags, they're here & there in which localization is used. Comparing the NES, GBC, and mobile versions, here is how an alias request would be, based on the most recent names (bold tags are in active use):

Bulk Alias Request Suggestion

Thy command?

EDIT: Further, heroine_(dq3) exists, which would be roto (or "Loto", as it has been in certain English releases, or perhaps "Erdrick", in others). How might this and a non-existent hero_(dq3) be handled?


Where the hell did "gadabout" come from? Either way, I don't see the point on changing three tags for an ancient game such as DQ3, especially since our current tags reflect the JP class names IIRC.

Roto, on the other hand, I could see a reason for splitting into hero_(dq3)/heroine_(dq3). Aside from making it easier to find the much-rarer male hero, the fact that the DQ3 hero becomes Roto is technically a spoiler.

Hillside_Moose said:

...especially since our current tags reflect the JP class names IIRC.

According to the tags' wikis, the Japanese class names are...

  • 戦士 (Senshi) -> Soldier/Warrior
  • 武闘家 (Butouka) -> Fighter/Martial Artist
  • 魔法使い (Mahoutsukai) -> Wizard/Mage
  • 僧侶 (Souryo) -> Pilgrim/Cleric/Priest
  • 商人 (Shounin) -> Dealer/Merchant
  • 遊び人 (Asobinin) -> Goof-Off/Jester/Gadabout

For what it's worth, here's the immediate translations Google gives for 'em...

  • Warrior
  • Monk
  • Witch
  • Monk
  • Merchant
  • Raver

Okay, I just saw the deal about the mobile remake, which is where "gadabout" came from, but I don't trust the localization. I don't know why, but ever since Dragon Quest IV for the Nintendo DS, localization for the series has been off the rails with needless renaming of people and places and puns galore. Obviously the NES localization was a product of its time due to Nintendo's censorship policy.

I dunno, I'm just used to the current tags after so long. "Warrior" may be a more accurate description for the class than "soldier," but the rest of the current tags look fine.