
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

I'm not sure I'm going to be putting any images from here on Danbooru, but I don't know where else to go for this.

Here, the artist chooses the name 紫夜. The site uses a banner with the filename yasinobana.jpg.

However, I have also seen the artist referred to as 夜紫乃 like in, where Google gives a translation like Yoru Shino.

So I'm kinda stumped on what would be the proper way to romanize the artist's name

DoomTay said:

Here, the artist chooses the name 紫夜. The site uses a banner with the filename yasinobana.jpg.

However, I have also seen the artist referred to as 夜紫乃 like in, where Google gives a translation like Yoru Shino.

夜紫乃 is what yasino is a romanization of, but danbooru's preferred romanization scheme would make it yashino. The reversed version without 乃 is shiya.

Hoobajoob said:

Pixiv name: でんちう。

I don't see any reason not to take her word for it and use denciu.